Few questions about a grow box I'm making


Alright, I've been lurking on these forums for a few weeks now but this is my first post.

I have never grown before but I am pretty confident I know the basics to get a decent yield when the time comes.

I am going to make a grow box, I already have all my materials, for the box and the entire grow pretty much.

I'm making a grow box out of wood, I'll be using cfls for lighting and soil as my medium. The box doesn't need to be extremely stealth but I don't want it to be obvious

My main question is, should I make a box bigger in height smaller in width or bigger and width and smaller in height.
I don't have the measurements of my wood at the moment but to give you guys a idea I have enough room/wood to make a box 2x bigger than a CPU case. The height may not be As tall of I make the box more wide than tall.

List of materials I have for the actual box (excluding the glue and saws, just know I have the tools to make the box)
-20 cfls (Veg, and flowering)
-2 pc fans
-reflective tape
-power strips
-temp guage, with humidity and all that.
-lightbulb fixtures that plug into the power strips.

I have alot of ideas for the box but don't know what's best. I want to grow 1 maybe 2 plants.

Eventually I'll have a flowering box as well, probably a pc case

Thanks for the help on advance.


Well-Known Member
If you go taller you can let the plants grow but if you wanna make it shorter just throw a scrog screem about 8" above the plants and scrog those bitches.


Well-Known Member
I just built one today that is 18"x18"x35". I have a big cab but I built this one so I can do a 1 plant Train Wreck SCROG with a journal on here.


Well-Known Member
You just need to decide if you want to do something like 1 medium size plant or 2 short ones. Then you'll have your answer. I only use those #'s because you said 2Xthe size of a PC case.

You can use LST during your grow to keep them short and full as well as keep your pots small to keep them from growing too big for your space. Like dude said, you can do a SCROG too with 1 or 2 plants depending on you final square footage. Probably the best method for good yield in a small space. If you go that route make your cab wider than it is tall but be sure it's tall enough for the height of your pot, lights, screen and some room for the plant to grow under the screen (8" is good, like he said). It'll help get good air movement too.


Thanks for the help so far guys. I think I'm gonna Scrog, but I'll have to measure my demensions when i get home, 8 inches should be the minimum?


Well-Known Member
8" between the top of your pots and yourscrog screen. I made one for a buddy and still have my sketches. I could post them and you could use them as a starting point if you like. It was small and seems to be working good so far but he's just starting out so time will tell if it will work good for him. It's 18"wX18"tX24"L with the screen 12" from the bottom and the pots hang through the bottom of the cabinet. He's got 10-11" between the soil and the screen and there's 6" above the screen with the CFLs tight to the top of the box. He said he would make it a tad longer so he could fit 24" T5 flourescents if it was to be built again sincec it's a hair short of fitting them now.
You need to be more specific on the deminsions of your box. Are talking 2 feet high, 1 foot wide?...

I think you should probably just do 2 or 3 flowering from seed in party cups to ensure you get a female plant. Only keep one female though and veg her a week or two then flower. And constantly use low stress training and top her.