Few Questions For People Who Know Ther Stuff ...


Active Member
Can i re-use the soil after i have finished my grow ?

Dose pigger pots mean bigger yeilds ? for example how many ounce's would a 20 gallon pot yeild growing WW under a 1000w Hps useing soil

Dose a plant realy need nutes? what about in the wild when they dont get them ?

thanks :D


Can i re-use the soil after i have finished my grow ?

Dose pigger pots mean bigger yeilds ? for example how many ounce's would a 20 gallon pot yeild growing WW under a 1000w Hps useing soil

Dose a plant realy need nutes? what about in the wild when they dont get them ?

thanks :D
and yes


Well-Known Member
Bigger pots help with bigger yields. Cannot give specifics on crop size. Genetics of the seed, good/bad nutes, good/bad gardener far too many variables to answer...plus it's a plant...every seed in a pack will not
grow EXACTLY the same. you can reuse soil...but be careful as it might still have flower stage nutes left in it unless you flushed VERY well at the end of the last cycle.

In the wild plants that don't get nutes either die or grow like crap. Soil in the wild has nutes in it...some soil more than other soil...hence the belief in "good" soil vs "bad" soil on farm plots.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Yes, you can reuse soil but you want to get as much of the old root system out as possible. Often, the center of the soil is too full of roots to be worth the effort of removing them.

No. Bigger plants, supplied with adequate light and nutrients, make for bigger yields. Indoor plants that are flowering in soil need a pot big enough so that they don't become root bound before harvest. Beyond that, bigger pots are a waste of soil, fertilizers, space, everything.

Yes, all plants need nutrients. Plants in the wild get them from the dirt they grow in. Other plants die around them, creating mulch that degrades into useable nutrients. All sorts of creatures poop around them in the wild as well, supplying more nutrients. It's the whole cycle of life thing.

Give the plants as much food as they can handle with only the slightest bit of burning when you want them to grow their best.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
would you use a condom twice, yes more roots make for bigger yeilds, yes all plants and animals need nutrients or death will become them