Few questions from a noob


Hey all

Am a first time grower and have been reading and getting help from a great member on here but i am at a stage i need help and i can't find the answer and i not sure when my mate will be back online:-P

Firstly here is my second plant which i started 12/12 from seed and it has been 21 days so far, I believe it may be a girl(well i hope anyway as my other was a male) but i will let you experts be the judge of that.

Now for nutrients as i am a new grower have never used these before and i want to make sure i get them right.

I have terra flores and it basically says use 40-60 ml per 10 litres and it says start when the first sign of fruit formationpistels appear and by the guide it looks like that stays the say for 6 weeks and the last 2 weeks use nothing.

Now for my questions.

I am going to mix up the 10 litres but i wondering what should i use 40,50 or 60ml.

Also it says get the ph of the mixture between 5.2-6.2 - i am growing in soil so shall i keep it towards the 6.2 end.

And finally once i have my nutrient solution all mixed do i just feed with this everytime i would usually water now and only go back to water after the 6 weeks or if i over nute and need to flush.

Thanks for all the help in advance all.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
You have a girl there, congrats.

When you begin with flowering nutrients go easy at first, using maybe 1/2 the recommended dosage and work your way up.

To prevent salt buildup in your soil, it's best to give a pH'd watering between every feeding.

For soil, you want the pH between 6.2-6.8(ish).

It is usually not recommended to pre-mix nutrient solutions and let them sit. I don't know if this is what you planned on doing, but just a heads up.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
fertilize every other watering with your flowering ferts. You will learn to read your plants. dont let them get to light green or to dark green, both are bad. If your fert turns your plant a dark green they are being over fertilized and under fertilized with light green leaves. also you may have to fert for over 6 weeks it all depends on your trichomes. i have had plants that i fertilized for 9 weeks and then i flush for 3 weeks of growth totaling 12 weeks.


Thanks for the replies guys i am now very happy:-P

Just so i know i understood you right jerry.

At the moment i water every other day so now would i say feed monday, just water wednesday and then feed again friday.

How slowly would you say i should increase the dosage say 20ml for a few feeds and then 30l and so on.

And yeah i was planning on mixing up a big batch so i had all the ph and everything sorted, so i take it you just mix up what you need for one feed and thats it.

Thanks for the help guys it's majorly appreciated.

Thanks vertise you have just answered one of my questions (cheers mate)