Hey all
Am a first time grower and have been reading and getting help from a great member on here but i am at a stage i need help and i can't find the answer and i not sure when my mate will be back online
Firstly here is my second plant which i started 12/12 from seed and it has been 21 days so far, I believe it may be a girl(well i hope anyway as my other was a male) but i will let you experts be the judge of that.
Now for nutrients as i am a new grower have never used these before and i want to make sure i get them right.
I have terra flores and it basically says use 40-60 ml per 10 litres and it says start when the first sign of fruit formationpistels appear and by the guide it looks like that stays the say for 6 weeks and the last 2 weeks use nothing.
Now for my questions.
I am going to mix up the 10 litres but i wondering what should i use 40,50 or 60ml.
Also it says get the ph of the mixture between 5.2-6.2 - i am growing in soil so shall i keep it towards the 6.2 end.
And finally once i have my nutrient solution all mixed do i just feed with this everytime i would usually water now and only go back to water after the 6 weeks or if i over nute and need to flush.
Thanks for all the help in advance all.
Am a first time grower and have been reading and getting help from a great member on here but i am at a stage i need help and i can't find the answer and i not sure when my mate will be back online
Firstly here is my second plant which i started 12/12 from seed and it has been 21 days so far, I believe it may be a girl(well i hope anyway as my other was a male) but i will let you experts be the judge of that.
Now for nutrients as i am a new grower have never used these before and i want to make sure i get them right.
I have terra flores and it basically says use 40-60 ml per 10 litres and it says start when the first sign of fruit formationpistels appear and by the guide it looks like that stays the say for 6 weeks and the last 2 weeks use nothing.
Now for my questions.
I am going to mix up the 10 litres but i wondering what should i use 40,50 or 60ml.
Also it says get the ph of the mixture between 5.2-6.2 - i am growing in soil so shall i keep it towards the 6.2 end.
And finally once i have my nutrient solution all mixed do i just feed with this everytime i would usually water now and only go back to water after the 6 weeks or if i over nute and need to flush.
Thanks for all the help in advance all.