Few weeks into flowering Nirvana AF Northern lights strain, top leaves are dry.*PICS*

No bugs, FF: Big bloom, Grow big, PH: 6.6, Humidity: 42%

Plant has not been feed with much nutrients during watering, atleast that was the idea. From reading that AF strains don't respond as well to nutes as normal grows


Active Member
True, when was the last time you watered? Sometimes overwatering isn't bad when you ha e to fix a problem. I had a LSD plant get fried bad. I don't know why, it was fed the same as the others I have. The day after I watered I could tell it was burnt so I ran 14 gal through a 5 gal smart pot that was still wet from watering with 2 gallons the day before.


Active Member
You sure no bugs? The leaf tip curl in the last pic kinda looks like RA and they are notorious for showing up bad around the 4th week of flowering. See any "gnats"?

How long did u veg for and with what medium?

If they were watered last week, they should be ok to water now to fix it. Try upping the ppm, and even though its not 100%accurate, check the ph runoff as well. Maybe next time mix more perlite in with the soil.


Well-Known Member
You are starving your plant. 500 ppm is what I use when my plants are just entering vegetation. You should be up near 12 with a plant that far along.... Don't take it up all at once..... you can cut off those shade leaves now, leave about 1/2" of the stem and let it dry up and fall off on it's own. Thankfully the plant pulled what it needed from those leaves, the calyxes and the sugar leaf looks relatively ok in the pics.


Active Member
Im going wit a starving plant also. It did look peculiar that the fan leaves were affected and not anything else really. And 500ppm is too low even for an undercurrent system and you are in soil


Active Member
What about the gnats? I have a similar problem just not as bad. My leaf tips are curling up and turning brown. I thought it was from heat stress.. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

You sure no bugs? The leaf tip curl in the last pic kinda looks like RA and they are notorious for showing up bad around the 4th week of flowering. See any "gnats"?

How long did u veg for and with what medium?

If they were watered last week, they should be ok to water now to fix it. Try upping the ppm, and even though its not 100%accurate, check the ph runoff as well. Maybe next time mix more perlite in with the soil.


Active Member
They aren't gnats, they're root aphids. They grow wings and fly when they are overcrowded. They make it look like a nute deficiency, most notably calmag and nitrogen from my experience, and stunted growth. A sign of them is when the tip curls up and back on its self looking like you rolled it which also looks kind of like nuts burn, or a potasium def. except its not to the side. Google pics of them. They're worse than spider mites.

Not saying the plant in this thread has them, probably just hungry. But keep an eye out for them. 6 legs and looks like a tick