Fewer & big or many and small


Active Member
Hi i am growing in a closet about 4'x2'x5' with 2 2-bulb 4' fluorescent lights.

I am only using bag seed because that's all I can afford right now

My question is should I grow a few smaller plants or go for 3 larger plants??
What I am looking for is a decent yield and quick grow.

Thanks in advance for the replies

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Well-Known Member
Hi i am growing in a closet about 4'x2'x5' with 2 2-bulb 4' fluorescent lights.

I am only using bag seed because that's all I can afford right now

My question is should I grow a few smaller plants or go for 3 larger plants??
What I am looking for is a decent yield and quick grow.

Thanks in advance for the replies
My first grow I used fluros. I started with t-12's, the fat tubes and switched over to t-5's, the small tubes. I did a 12/12 grow from seed and grew them in twenty ounce cups. By day twenty seven they had all shown their sex. None of the plants got more than a foot tall. I had about twelve plants and even though I did everything possible to kill them, they still produced me about three ounces of weed... and it was sweet and good.


Well-Known Member
yea since your goin with flouros i would go with a buch of smaller plants and try an be sure to keep em all around the same height maybe experiment with topping your taller ones or somethin. if you were gunna go with big plants you'd need a ton of supplementary light for under the canopy.
hope MY OPINION helped!


Well-Known Member
I'd go with about 6 plants, top them, scrog, let them get about 18" tall, and flower. You should get good results. Get some more light if you can swing it, I'd use soil if it's your first time, but if you think you can do hydro it would be better. DWC would be fine for that.


Active Member
I have used flouros for 2 and 3 plants that were all around 2 to 3ft. You can grow a decently tall plant on 2 shop lights that isn't stretched and is bushy. But I think I am going to go with your opinions this time and top a few of them (first time topping) and keep em short.

How much does topping make them bush out??


Well-Known Member
I have used flouros for 2 and 3 plants that were all around 2 to 3ft. You can grow a decently tall plant on 2 shop lights that isn't stretched and is bushy. But I think I am going to go with your opinions this time and top a few of them (first time topping) and keep em short.

How much does topping make them bush out??
top all of them and scrog. You'll get the most out of your space. It will give you more than one main cola. You'll have either 2 or 4 on each plant. After you do this you can take those tops, and put them in a scrog net so they'll recieve good light. This takes a little bit of training but it's easy. So instead of having 1 main cola that gets more light, and side branches that don't get as much, you have multiple colas that recieve good light, and you can clean up the bottom so you get good circulation. All the growth that you would have gotten from the bottom will show in the tops you have.

topping will make them anywhere from 1/3 wider to twice as wide.