FF Tri Solubles??


Active Member
Hey new guy here just curious on some fox farm info i used the FF OF soil no nutes really needed in one of my first grows soil kicks ass but i was wondering is there Tri Solubles was as good as their soil cause flowering is the most important stage well atleast in my eyes. thanks guyz and hope to gain some valued info from ya'll :joint::roll:


Well-Known Member
With FFOF you dont need Veg nutes, but you will need nutes for flowering and that is the point of tri sol, you are meant to use it when you switch to flower mode...


Active Member
Yes i do kno that but i was just wondering how good is the tri solubles i have heard that tb and bb are ok some buds have been known to come out a lil funny tastin but i have not heard to much on the tri's just wondering is it really worth droppin the money on them....


New Member
i was also intrested in the ff tri pack, gotta be cheaper then using the liquids and it's still fox farm so i would assume it kicks ass. But i sure would ike to hear from someone with experience before i buy.


Active Member
I have heard from like one grower that they are good but i never saw any pics sooooo not to much of a believer cause you kno how salesman are hahaha tell you anything you wanna here but they got high numbes in pk an low in n and i think they say there is no build up soo i am almost a committed customer but need that extra boost


Well-Known Member
I've heard some growers that like FF tripak. But its like any of the nutes. Some people like them some don't. And there are getting to be so damn many of them. I find the best way is to just experiment. ItTakes time.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I use all FF products including all the liquids and solubles and FFoF. nothing but positive results. Grew some Nirvana Ice from seed yielded about a Oz a plant minus one that gave 3, the nugs were super dense and hard and smelled like candy. If you have any questions i would be more then willing to try and answer them.


Well-Known Member
i use all ff nutes the grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom with the tri pack for flowering....they are worth it...buds get denser, full of crystals....my brother says it effects taste...but i dont taste it....just go with half strength from what the bottle says...in fact i go half strength on all the nutes....its potent stuff so dont over do it...also....i introduce a little superthrive when i flower so that might affect taste....


Active Member
Sweet thanks and yes i do kno the tri's are used for flowering enhancers but i almost find no reason to use any nutes with the OF soil during the veg cycle well that depends if u r a doing a sog style i think but thanks for all of your guy's and girls input but if there is anyone else out there that has used the tri's hit this thread up also if tri's are enhancers then why they have a npk ratin on them like they are nutes??? What would happen if i just used the tri packs and thats it???? :-?
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Well-Known Member
All enhancers have NPK rating, Koolbloom, Supernatural Big Bud, ect they all do.

You could use em just as nutes, but it would be difficult to get the correct values dialed in by mixing various ones and diltion.

personally the reg nutes are perfected and you would better off Just using them instead of flower enhancers for reg nutes.


Well-Known Member
I use supernatural powder nutrient, with Bud blaster.

You could use any thing though, there are a bunch of different ones.

One that is great for newbies and pros alike is GH3 part nutes.

Or Advanced Nutrients.


Active Member
Nice i am some what of a newbie to the whole nute thing mostly to indoor organic i am just tryin to find out what are good nutes my veggin cycles go good i just havent touched down on flowerin yet and bein new to it i would like it to go as smooth as possible