FFOF Nuteless Flowering


I've never used nutes with FFOF. Even with 10wk flower periods.

I just transplant every month.... during which, if I add nutes they burn...

What gives? Never experienced problems w/out em.. The buds are fat, dank, and tasty. 3 diff. strains.

I don't want to jinx myself but I'm curious why other growers using ffof use nutes so often? it's hard to find a grow going that's not using additional micro nutes (or even organic) - I assumed s'due to growing in the same full size pot thru veg to harvest, in which case it needed nutes in about 30 days.

Am I missing out on something?


Active Member
You hit it on the head. If you have 10 plants its a pain in the ass to transplant every 30 days. Use guano teas and mollasas and dont need to transplant at all. start to finnish in a 3 gallon pot if ya wish. I like 5 gallon pots. These here are all organic and went from clon into 1 gallon pots then into 5 gallon pots where they are now. Some of these are even 3 gallon pots.



Well-Known Member
I haven't used any FFOF, but I have used Happy Frog. I put some plants right in straight HF soil and it burned the piss out of my plants too when I added a 1/4 strength dose of nutes. If you want to use nutrients, you need to amend the soil mix with a non fertilized soil. I use Pro-Mix. OF says not to use nutes for a month right on the bag. So since you keep transplanting to new soil, you are adding a new dosage of nutes, in the form of the soil, to the soil and thus won't need nutrients.

I would recommend amending your soil with some perlite or a soilless mix. Adding the nutes will give you a more balanced diet for your plants and give them the specific nutrients that the plants need during flowering. It also give better water retention. I had a lot of problems with HF soaking up the water in a timely matter. After it was watered a couple times it became very dense and retained water poorly.

I hope this helps, good luck.