

Well-Known Member
I germ in paper towels and then straight into FFOF with 20% added perlite. Never a problem for me. Hell, I used to put germinated seeds into Miracle Gro without problems.


Active Member
There are alot of people that tell you not to put your seedlings in FFOF right away. The soil is hot for most seedlings. It works for you rock on m8, my first grow almost burnt my little seed if I wouldnt have changed it. You can see it was yellow and ends where turning crisp. Then it was green and healthy few days later. The soil rocks by far one of the best out there.


Well-Known Member
i germinated my short rider in the ffof and i don't know if it was the sun, or the soil but she is burned pretty bad, the leaf is yellow and curled up dried. she won't make it. I don't think. i have another one germinated in it and she is doing fine, hopefully she won't burn, i left her inside.