Active Member
Weed is better in times of no money than money is in times of no weed. The point being that money is everywhere, and weed isn't. The same applies to weed and tail.So my fiance thinks that I have a problem, she thinks I'm addicted to growing bud. She doesn't want me smoking either cause of my job, possible random ua's. She thinks that since I grow and usually have atleast an ounce of prime dried and cured herb in the house that I will never stop smoking. What she doesn't know is that I've passed ua's with synthetic before but she would flip if she found out I was doing that behind her back. She's been hitting me with these ultimatums lately, growing or the relationship, and honestly I'm having a hard time choosing. I think that weed is wrongfully accused of being dangerous, I also believe in its medical value, and I've succeeded in not selling bud to people I feel are affiliated with violent criminals and I am very generous with my herb as well as I believe that's good karma. What should I do???
It's pretty simple issue with your girl and you, ASS or GRASS, your choice.