#FiDA 2012 (Kony Satire to spread Cannabis Truth)

After seeing the fiction within the truth of the Kony 2012 activism film, Kevin, Brandon (my friends) and I were inspired to make an activism film of our own. Our cause? Cannabis, and it's ability to kill cancer cells.

As you may know, the evidence of this truth is becoming quite clear, and the American government has known since the 1970's, and yet, millions of dollars are wasted on small marijuana busts every year. New York alone spent about $75 million in 2010.

So now I present to you this film that we made. We spent about a week conceptualizing it, and then another 2 weeks to film and edit. Like we saw the fiction within the truth of the Kony film, now it's time to see the truth within the fiction of #FiDA.

After viewing, if you don't mind doing, I have to ask for a few favors. The good note: they only take about 5 minutes. If you have any YouTube channels, can you "like" the film? And can you help me share it? Put it on your Facebooks, Twitters, blogs, email the link....whatever you are willing to do would be appreciated. The truth about cannabis MUST be told, and it is time for prohibition to end. NOW.

Thank you all so much. Good luck to you all....and now, enjoy the Feature Presentation:



Well-Known Member
Good for you! I think it's a bit corny but it's not a bad video. Good sound levels and not bad graphics.

Keep on keeping on! This is the age where we are all generating input rather than simply absorbing it as it was when I was young.