Figgy's Hideout


Well-Known Member
Nice! I've actually got one of the Kosher and Cookies Kush beans left. I'm running a Dinafem Critical Cheese atm. Just flipped her to flower 2.5 wks ago. Starting to crown now ;) Good luck w the selection! Decisions decisions :wall:
Have you run the Kosher Kush? I've only heard good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Tent shot with the LB in front still stretching at the end of week 3. One more week and they'll be done. I've been pinching the crap out of them. Some stems are knuckled every 1/4 inch. The FB in the back are well. FB1 is starting to fatten up nicely! image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Rearranged the tent tonight, and the FBs had a bunch of stems fold at around a 150* angle. I had to wrap them up with a damn string to keep them from just snapping.

The LB are about done stretching so I raised the light and evened out the canopy the best I could after rearranging. Those leaves should be down by tomorrow with the distance and lower temps.

Here are some shots. Group, FB1 at day 55, FB2 at day 40, then the LB starting to stack nicely at day 26. I'll break out the camera at some point for better shots. Until then it's phone HPS pics :eyesmoke:
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Edit: I really have to shoot pics through the glasses.


Well-Known Member
Just a couple shots right before and during start up. Fireballs 1 early flower on the bottom, anf the Lambsbread in the rears. Pic 2 is LB1. You can kind of see it n the pic, but the flowers are so resinous they look wet. It's awesome.
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Well-Known Member
Flower tent shot. I've been busy as crap lately. Might be sporadic the next couple months with work. LBs have a week or two left, then the FB1 gets to chill by herself. I'm Going to be taking a break from flowering anything, get some more moms going, then start back up after the heat has started dying down around September-ish. Anyway, here they are.image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Just some update pics. I chopped both LBs after company stayed longer than expected, and my poor girls were extremely dehydrated. The LBs came out ok since they were getting chopped anyway, but FB1 lost a bunch of leaves. Pics: LB1 shot hanging and FB1 recovering.image.jpegimage.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Jared and bagged up some stuff tonight. The LB1 smells like damn banana bread! It's unbelievable. I let it go an extra week+ and it totally rocks :bigjoint:image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Been a while huh bongsmilie? I've been busy with life. Little time for me to stop in with some updates.

Veg tent has 3 Lambsbread clones, my Fireball clone, and the last Lambsbread 2. LB2 gets it down and placed in the flower tent tonight.

Chopping a massive Fireballs! I'm guessing close to 1/2 lb. she looks rough due to a dry stint in week 4 or 5, but she made it.