Fighting spider mites for over a year!!!


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It made my life way easier if you can get one it's worth the 4 bucks I paid for a hydrofarm one
i think he means this one

the nozzle can be pointed up to spray underside of leaves
you can also get one with a "wand" type sprayer to make it even easier depending on your situation
I think he meant this one since its closer to 4 bucks

Post a pic of this sprayer.


Well-Known Member
The pressure sprayer is nice but I already have a good presure spraying I think I'm gunna order the 5 buck one just for spraying under leaves when the dam demons come back lol!


Well-Known Member
The pressure sprayer is nice but I already have a good presure spraying I think I'm gunna order the 5 buck one just for spraying under leaves when the dam demons come back lol!
I have the one bernie420 linked I have the one with the green tip on it. Works awesome
If you guys like that then your gunna like this. You need this sprayer the 1 gal roundup. or two gal. if your a player.

it has the adjustable sprayer, I cut the end off so its more of a straight stream in the hose, you'll see in another pic DSC04523.JPG

the sprayer nozzle with the tip cut off, short piece of 5/16id rubber hose (I think) and the 360 sprayer with the threaded ring cut off (i used a small set of wire nips to cut mine off, thought it worked ok)


parts together


tape it up or with the pressure the sprayer will shoot off of the hose and then you'll have a big squirt gun and you dont want to squirt an outlet or something like that. I actually used epoxy to glue my pieces together and then taped it really good on my other one.


Pics of it in action.... no spray and spray so you can judge the difference, i had a flashlight shining at it.



how I get the parts out to clean it

You pump it up a lot and you get a better spray ..finer more of a mist. cone shaped. The key to that is getting a nice cap on the sprayer I bought a few sprayers to get a decent spraying cap for my sprayer. (the part with the tiny hole ...once you get a nice sprayer cap dont poke anything in the hole to clean it ..air only ..or rinse it out)..... its not fully pumped up in these pics and how it looks is what I would consider a poor cap to me .. I have a few sprayers I have one good cap that I like better than the others........and you dont want to spray any light bulbs and be careful of electricity


for like thirty bucks its the best sprayer you can get. You can move leaves around with the wand , your not squeezing a pump sprayer like crazy. You have a fine mist pointing up, under constant pressure giving you a constant spray where your capable to get 100% coverage on the entire plant. I was thinking of starting a new thread just about this sprayer set up just because ...its awesome
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Well-Known Member
The pressure sprayer is nice but I already have a good presure spraying I think I'm gunna order the 5 buck one just for spraying under leaves when the dam demons come back lol!
The veg room is about a 12 x 12 spare room no tent and only use two walls, the flower room is about the same size but with a 5x5 tent and 1k hps! If u need any more info just let me know!View attachment 4207510 View attachment 4207511 View attachment 4207512 View attachment 4207513

I seen your pics you need my sprayer the reason I did it was because mighty wash cost so much I just used the 360 hand pump for a long time killed my hands and never got good coverage with all the jerking around with my sprayer you just stick and move. You'll save money cuz you;ll use less product, cost less, better coverage, the sprayer is kind of free with the first gallon of mighty wash.

that plant in front of the brown paneling done in about a minute. the little plants on the blue bucket ..pick the lowest leaf off the bottom so you can get the sprayer under the plant so you dont miss a leaf, lollipop even now that their that small. the rest of your plants i just cut the time down to a third ..with my sprayer.

Azamax is expensive too I use neem oil mostly and then azamax if I need a stronger application. i use other products also.

where does your air for your lights dump out at and the crafty a/c (i tried a crazy thing sort of like that) i get the impression your running a/c into your tent and out your lights which is a big electric bill.

no trays under the pots floor is clean and all but you dont ever water to some run off?
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Well-Known Member
The best thing you can do with Spider Mites ,is Grow out any plants you have ,then get rid of everything .clean everything once it's all gone and start fresh.In the mean time add Ladybirds to the plants ,and the large house spiders that hunt through vibration not webbing .Its what I'm doing at the minute,I am waiting on the last 3 finishing,then fresh start from seed .But not until I know everything has been misted down with bleach ,fans on to dry it out then repeat ,I will never buy clones in again .You be surprised just how much bud out there has got some form of pest .The Exodus,I just did I thought it was gonna effect the weight of the final dried bud,but it didn't it was still OK a few Oz less than normal but ,I'm happy with that weight.There really hard to beat ,and when you think you beating them ,the chance are eggs will have been laid ,and these will have a resistance to the stuff your using for treating them.Best of Starting fresh dude,if it's a clone only strain.Then clone a nice healthy looking section and get that away from any new plants you have.


Well-Known Member
Is the Damage Low Down on the Plants ,or has it got to the point it's all over.I have to really look hard to find them ,but just a few can become Thousands within the space of a year ,if not millions.The Ladybirds are Hammering the ones on my last 3, I have even seen the Spider move from just been put in the room,to the most effected leaf in there.You have to make sure it's the right kind of spider though,not a web hunter ,one that hunts through vibration.Normally easy to spot the big ass ones that you get in the house.Insects pest in gardening,are best dealt with by adding predators.Takes time but they will do the job .I would not mist any thing on my buds ,I rather finish that grow ,and smoke a few mites than the stuff in the crap the sell to kill them.I have held a plant upside down so all the leaf was under water ,for well over 5 minutes ,and when I pulled it out they still was on the leafs moving round .There a Nightmare,same has dust mites ,once a plant becomes I'll from the stress of these ,then they pick stuff up like fungas knats ,thrips.The plant I have had just lost through them took me well over a year to get ,but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and start again,but not un till every bit of that room is clear of any plant material.I clean the rooms with neat bleach the cheap stuff ,just spray everything ,let dry repeat .Just keep letting the rooms dry out .The dry with all fans on final few cleans just warm soapy water .To get rid of the Smell.


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Does anyone have some advise? Or maybe want to share their ipm schedule?

I'm worried after I have zero plants and scrub and clean everything that will still come back next cycle! There has to be a way to be rid of them for good! No I don't have a surgically cleaned grow space and it's not 100% sealed bc it's in my house but still there has to be a way!
Is it possible you bring them in with soil or on your clothes?


Well-Known Member
OK guys unfortunately I still have spider mites! It's been about 3 maybe 4 cycles since I first noticed them! I have tried everything from azamax to green cleaner, lady bugs, pred mites! It's seems nothing works for long! All these products do work I don't deny that but none of them have 100% solved the problem! Every cycle they keep coming back even with a ipm regime! As some of you have seen I have managed them and still came out with a great product, but that's all I've done is managed them! I want them dead for ever 100% annihilation!!!!

So I've put all my new seeds on hold stopped taking clones and now flowering everything even my baby clones, the mothers everything!(no point in wasting them) the goal is to finish everything I have to the point where absolutely zero plants are growing and then bleach and scrub with napalm!

But I have a few questions! Will this guarantee they won't come back? I plan to continue using azamax through veg every weeks or so! But what else can I do to make sure they stay gone! I like to do perpetual grows and stopping like this is really going to hurt me so needless to say I don't wanna do it again!

I have fought mites for years spending well over $1k for most, if not ALL of the available products on the market, including some home made things like pepper sprays and so on. I finally came across Forbid 4F and I was amazed at how well this product worked, since it lasts in the leaves and remains effective around 45+ days, and doesn't last in the plants as long as Avid and Floramite and similar things. I've seen bud tests that show if you use it at the latest before the buds form by the time of harvest the product is not noticeable in testing. It is a highly effective miticide that provides protection for a good long time, and won't kill you when smoked!! The 8 ounce bottle costs around $220.00 but I found a seller on Amazon that had one ounce bottles for around $35.00 and makes up to 40 gallons of spray.
It is very concentrated, you only use .06ml up to 1.2ml per gallon of water for spray mix. This product saved my garden, I've been mite free for 6 months now......


Well-Known Member
well I bought some predatory mites from arbico organics and so far they are doing great I did a ipm then a few days later I released them I havent found any mites since there is still some eggs but the pred. mites orange eggs are way more so I'm hoping in the next two weeks they eat their fill then move on! we will see but so far so good!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
OK guys unfortunately I still have spider mites! It's been about 3 maybe 4 cycles since I first noticed them! I have tried everything from azamax to green cleaner, lady bugs, pred mites! It's seems nothing works for long! All these products do work I don't deny that but none of them have 100% solved the problem! Every cycle they keep coming back even with a ipm regime! As some of you have seen I have managed them and still came out with a great product, but that's all I've done is managed them! I want them dead for ever 100% annihilation!!!!

So I've put all my new seeds on hold stopped taking clones and now flowering everything even my baby clones, the mothers everything!(no point in wasting them) the goal is to finish everything I have to the point where absolutely zero plants are growing and then bleach and scrub with napalm!

But I have a few questions! Will this guarantee they won't come back? I plan to continue using azamax through veg every weeks or so! But what else can I do to make sure they stay gone! I like to do perpetual grows and stopping like this is really going to hurt me so needless to say I don't wanna do it again!
You probably bring them in on your clothes and shoe's.


Well-Known Member
Look like Fungus gnats,Get some sticky strips.If possible have a piece around the base of the plants.We cal them Sticky Banners,Two Lolly Pop sticks.With a piece stapled inbetween,the two sticks to form a kind of sticky banner,You want to get them when they come down to soil or medium level.Hoping you get them before they lay eggs,They attack the Roots,till they get to a certain age then come to surface and it all starts again.The strips done in this way really do work a treat,they attract them,and you will nail loads in the first few days.Have a couple hanging too,away from the plants,but near enough to trap owt in there that should not be.Once you think most have gone still have them in the room,i have stuff like this in my room all the time.Just in case ,better em been there just incase say a couple get in there.

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
I got them last cycle
Was my own fault
I was transferring my veg plants outside during the day to get that boost from the sun. I was just bringing in wild notes each time.
I stopped doing that stopped wearing the shoes and clothes I'd work outside
I sprayed with mighty a few times
To be honest i was way too lazy about my eradication. But I got lucky and it worked havent had any bugs since.
So for ME quarantine and mighty worked
Good luck


Well-Known Member
The only sure way to get rid of those nasty fuckers is to shut it down and clean it like a hospital. I mean everything that even remotely comes near your room. Books, coffee cups, tools, every nook and cranny. Just pretend that your grow room is infected with Ebola and your life depends on it!