Figure This Led Haters

mookie brown

Active Member
what no comments? does the truth hurt hps guys
Please do me a favor, post some photos of your complete grow. Your id says you are "led growing" so tell me how many harvests have you had with led's ? What wattage led's are you using ? You know bro I'd love to see photos of your led schwag right now! Bro I just smoked a bowl of hps chronic & am ready to be entertained.


Well i just sat here for like an hour stoned out of my mind and read this entire tread and all i know is im goin to invest in a fuckin LiteBrite!

mookie brown

Active Member
Well i just sat here for like an hour stoned out of my mind and read this entire tread and all i know is im goin to invest in a fuckin LiteBrite!

You're better off with Lite Brite. Led's will let you down & well lets be real, you will get to play with your litebrites when high :lol:. I would love to give led's a try but I only pay 12cents per kw. I veg 18hours a day with a 150watt hps (165 watts with ballast) & that costs me $10.69 a month on my electric bill. I then have 2 options after vegging. A) Put plant outside for flowering or B) keep plant inside under my 250watt hps for flowering (275 watts with ballast) at 12 hours per day costs me $11.86 per month on my electric bill. I don't think someone who grows for themselves should invest in overpriced led's. 1watt per bulb x 90 bulbs doesn't make it a 90watt bulb. Maybe if & when a single 150watt led grow bulb is invented I will switch but until then I'm a hps'er !! Led's are the future lol cha right maybe my grandsons grandson. Not my future !!


Active Member
And it appears that the tool that started the thread prefers HPS as well.....

i have found these growlush bulbs on ebay for around 35 us before this i was using eyehortilux bulbs costing me 129 cad i put this grow lush up the same day i changed my eye hotilux side by side my grow lush bulb looked brighter so i did some googleing found that grow lush 400 watts 65 200 lumens same as eye hotilux 600 watters so if u have ever used these lets hear some feed back if u havent i suggest trying them outbongsmilie

Illegal Smile

I wouldn't expect hps users to go to led. But I would expect flouro users to consider it. A closet grower probably wouldn't have looked at a 4 digit $ led system, but he might look at one for $200. At least I am, the ufo from Sunlight Sheds. At that price I'm willing to buy it just to satisfy my curious nature. I may decide tomorrow to buy one. If so I'll put 3 plants that just started to flower under it and report back.


Since I have an experimental attitude about things, I'd be willing to put in a few led panels for supplemental lighting and see what happens, IF they weren't so damn expensive.

But only use LED's? NO WAY! they're unproven and I've never seen a full LED grow that was worth a damn.

What I want to know is, all the panels I've seen use the regular kind of LED, but what about panels of the new high-watt LED's? I have a spotlight with one 5-watt LED that's brighter than my other 1,000,000 candlepower spotlight.

Anyways, I'm sure it will be years before I'd consider giving up HPS/MH


Active Member
ur a dumb fuck i told everyone here i have 2 400w hps and 600watt led i love these led so shut the fuck up if u dont know what your talking about doosh
why do you continue to grow and buy equipment for HPS when LEDs are so clearly superior? You make no sense, and appear to have about an eighth grade level of education. you yourself said that HP only grows schwag, so does that mean that YOU grow schwag too??

You're really not a very intelligent person, and you write like a retarded orangutan. You should probably quit posting to save yourself from further embarrassment. If you have any trouble understanding any of these big words you can go here


Well-Known Member
ur a dumb fuck i told everyone here i have 2 400w hps and 600watt led i love these led so shut the fuck up if u dont know what your talking about doosh
DUDE u needa calm down, no need to take this shit so personal hes talking shit about leds not ur mother...


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't expect hps users to go to led. But I would expect flouro users to consider it. A closet grower probably wouldn't have looked at a 4 digit $ led system, but he might look at one for $200. At least I am, the ufo from Sunlight Sheds. At that price I'm willing to buy it just to satisfy my curious nature. I may decide tomorrow to buy one. If so I'll put 3 plants that just started to flower under it and report back.
Id save my money and buy something that your grow will actually benifit from if I had $200 I didnt know what to so with.. curiosity killed the cat.. lmao.. let us know what u think if u do since you seem to not have a bias..


Well-Known Member
why do you continue to grow and buy equipment for HPS when LEDs are so clearly superior? You make no sense, and appear to have about an eighth grade level of education. you yourself said that HP only grows schwag, so does that mean that YOU grow schwag too??

You're really not a very intelligent person, and you write like a retarded orangutan. You should probably quit posting to save yourself from further embarrassment. If you have any trouble understanding any of these big words you can go here


Well-Known Member
lmfao uve turned ur own thread into a childish argument and you are clearly the aggressor.. very nice job.. Then us hps users u called out came in and destroyed u and everyone of ur led loving buddies so u resort to swearing and name calling.. ;) grow up and accept defeat..


Active Member
lmao.. i leave for 2 months start up a new id and man its the same old shit in here man i missed u guys..
anyway enoguh sentimental shit from me... hps will crush any current form of led lights. maybe in the future it will b diff but for now ill take hps ballasts any day of the week..


Well-Known Member
name calling? i didnt call no one no names this is my last post cuz i got bud to grow hps is great yes it is tried and true but leds are better and they will only get better and better untill something beats them un till then fuck you and have a nice day