Filter and fan question

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Ok, I am making a room in the basement into a grow room. The room is approx. 12 foot by 12 foot with a 8 foot ceiling. I will be making it as air tight as I can with plastic and tape. I want to get a filter and fan since I have had some odor problems in the past. I don't plan on having more than 10 cannabis plants going at any one time but will also be doing vegetable plant starts in there.
The problem is I don't have a clue about filter sizes, duct sizes, and fan sizes. I only know they work and are required for odor security.

Can anyone recommend the size of filter, fan, and ducting I should be looking into? I don't want to under do it, but I also don't want to spend a lot of money with an over kill system.
Money is kind of an issue, but so is keeping my freedom so I really want to get the odor issues knocked down.
Thanks for your time.