FIM or TOP? LST? help please!!!


Active Member
Hi, I have read alot about fimming and topping but I am still unsure on which method to execute on my baby. I mean is she even old enough for it? Which technique do you recommend?


Also space is an issue so tonite I am going to transplant her into a bigger pot, is it too late for LST; I want to lay her down flat eventually.


Overall how to you think she is doing? any tips?
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Kind of hard to tell the height of the plant to see if it is stretched, but it looks pretty healthy otherwise. How much longer do you plan on vegging? They look good to top to me.
Well its a stelth grow in a computer case the lighting averages out at probly 18/4 but this is becuase when I go out I turn it off; but it always gets at least 12 when I sleep. So im kinda gonna leave it to do what it chooses to, it will be intersting to see hat happens.

Heres how tall she is. I duno if that is streched or not.
Looks to have stretched when it first popped up, but fairly well and good after see the space betwen ground and first pair of leaves. Did you pull or cut off seadlingleaves?

I'd top her, and scrog with a mesh all around the inside of the cpu box........make the most for the plant.

Or run her LST and pulled into a C.......look at my picture for an example.

I'd be very careful with that cpu case, and throw it into flowering'll be 2-3 mabey 4x larger when she flowers than vegging........LST will also make it bushier, just as scrog would do, but scrog is even horizontal basis over LST in 1 direction.

I personally LST'd my girl then scrogged my 6 heads on 3 weeks veg...would have had 8 heads. Still getting larger than i ever expected.

I pulled those leaves off, they had gone brown and britle, it didn't take much for them to come off, they looked ugly lol.

I think im going to LST like you have done.

Which head do I cut off?


Thanks Focus, it ended up a boy, and his taproot had already looped on me during the first week, always had a odd lean to i pulled him the way he was leaning and tied.

As it looks the newest growth would just be the center area in the 2nd picture from bardons, correct??? When i topped my girl i accidentally cut off my top 2 growths, when i was trying to top her, so wanting to know for future reference as seen in his pictures.
Wow, I just repoted it into a bigger pot, when I looked at the roots they were all the way touching were the pot was! I think she was rootbound. I bet she feels so free'd now lol. She has new soil with nutes in there aswell. Should be all good.
I've LST'd aswell.
I've noticed that the leaves have recently gone alot darker and look more takky, the smell has also risen alot. I think its the nutes.

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Be careful you don't pull it outta the ground, looks like a heavy pull........Remember when gradual.

I would tie it at two points and pull in different directions, keeping the pull centered as to not pull it out of the ground, since you just repotted it as well.

Looks good.
Yeah its not quite as drastick as it looks. When I repotted it I did it at an angle so I didn't have to bend the main cola to far.