fim technique went wrong?

I tried a DIY fimming technique video. I followed what the instructions was very clearly, it was a fim techique where u slightly break the branch, and from that break, 2 branches plus the broken branch will grow. Well after 3 days, my branch and leaf went dead and fell off. Anyone knows what went wrong?

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you done it wrong. Check out the FIM tutorial link in my sig for more info.


Well-Known Member
yeah sounds like fim gone wrong, which isnt the end of the world you just topped it instead. fimming takes practice and everyone makes that mistake a few times
yeah sounds like fim gone wrong, which isnt the end of the world you just topped it instead. fimming takes practice and everyone makes that mistake a few times
Well I didn't top it. I tried the technique on a fan leaf and branch, not the new growth on the main stem. In the video, the dude used this technique on many of the branches on the plant, and u saw the finished product also in the video.


Well-Known Member
well technically "bending/snapping" branches is supercropping, not FIMming. FIMming is when you cut the new growth at the tops half way so the plant grows 4+ top colas.

I prefer topping and LST training over FIM/supercropping. 3-5 healthy top colas are better than 6-8 small ones.