Finalizing Setup, Advice Needed


Active Member
First of all, thank you to everyone who has contributed to this forum. It is an amazing wealth of knowledge, much more comprehensive than any of the books I've picked up. I've been prowling through here for about the last seven weeks, decided to take the plunge, here is where I'm at...

Got a Homebox L - (3'x3'x6'), looking to get the 14 plant hydroflora drip/fogger from Sunlight Sheds, as well as the 400w PowerPlant lighting Kit. Yes, premade, but I haven't had the best luck with DIY setups, I can afford these premades. For ventilation, I have a Fantech FR150 Centrifugal Fan (243 CFM) and am looking to get a 6"x12" Carbon Filter from these guys (they look discount, but for first time setup, seem to fit the fan well.

Here are a few of my dilemas, questions

1) I want to use my exhaust fan to both exhaust the room and cool the air cooled light. The setups I've liked have the filter hanging from the ceiling, attached with ducting to the air cooled reflector, attached with ducting to the fan which is blowing to outside the space. [Good Diagram w/o co2]

Now, in the Homebox, there are intake screens (can be blocked if need be) on all four sides at the bottom, as well as a main intake port on the bottom left side. The ceiling exhaust is top right. So, using the setup I described, my fan would be top right, putting my lights in the middle, and the carbon filter top left (same side as main intake port...) Is there going to be an issue with the air not travelling the distance it needs to circulate the room as it is coming in bottom left and being sucked up to top left through the filter? I will have an oscillating fan inside the room for internal circulation. Thoughts?

2) How should I position my fan? Most diagrams show it blowing horizontally through a side wall (when part of a series with filter and lights). Since the exhaust port is on the ceiling, do I want the fan vertical and use a 90 degree ducting bend to attach it to the lights or do I want to keep the fan horizontal and attach ducting on the exhaust side of the fan that will curve up towards the opening?

3) What is the best method for mounting things in the homebox, specifically the fan or filter? Are they just supported with the straps and duct tape if need be? Hooks?

Besides this, anything that pops out to people as a glaring mistake? Any and all help is welcomed.

A response to myself - maybe useful for anyone who has grabbed a homebox and is in a similar situation...

1) There is no issue with the airflow if the carbon filter is placed on the same side as the intake - as long as you have a decent circulation fan. I also added an intake fan that blows in the opposite direction from the filter, this way the air is not traveling directly upward, but rather traveling through the entire space.

2) I mounted the van horizontally, meaning the air was blowing forward and backward, not up and down. This allowed me to connect a small piece of 90 degree bend ductwork to the top port in the Homebox, works like a charm.