Finally a really reliable and honest hydro store!


Active Member
Well guys/gals, my garden is finally up and running. If you want reliable service and a cool guy to work with AND amazing prices, I must recommend Grow-A-Lot.

Let me tell you what I bought. I got the 6" ValueLine inline fan from him. He actually dropped it to my house and we kicked it for a while.

I am convinced he is legit and plan to continue buying my grow stuff from him.

eBay Store - GROW A LOT: hydroponic, high pressure sodium, Fluorescent Grow Lights

I don't work for him and in fact I've met him in person once but a lot was said through my experience. Great guy.


Well-Known Member
The idea of home delivery of hydroponic supplies makes me nervous. The guys at the grow shop don't need to know where I live.

old yeller

Active Member
I'm ordering a 65 watt fluorex CFL from growalot today even tho they told me I could get it at H.D. - these guys have the best customer service around. Always like to support the little guys. Check out his Ebay feedback - plenty of high marks & AAA+++!!!


Active Member
The valueline is really good. I am putting the proper 6" ducting on tomorrow and it will be running even better than right now. I have a reducer because I had 4" ducting only.

The fan is not too loud compared to other inlines like the Dayton. I have USED a 6" Dayton for one grow but it was never my property.

I did the stanley blower route at first and this thing absolutely demolishes the stanley blower. My cab is much cooler even with the wrong ducting size!


Well-Known Member
my hydro guy asked me if needed clones or seeds....I've only been in there like 5 times and only to pick up something real quick....The fact that they trust me enough to ask questions like that makes me very suspicious...I mean, how do they know I'm not a cop????.....Unless they're not worried about it cause they're cops....maybe Im too paranoid???


Active Member
my hydro guy asked me if needed clones or seeds....I've only been in there like 5 times and only to pick up something real quick....The fact that they trust me enough to ask questions like that makes me very suspicious...I mean, how do they know I'm not a cop????.....Unless they're not worried about it cause they're cops....maybe Im too paranoid???
No see this guy won't cross that line. From what you've just said, that sounds way more sketch. Again, you have met the person and I haven't so.

Ask them if they grow and if so what? Tell them you grow tomatoes if they are that forward with you.


Well-Known Member
I've never been to a hydro shop simply because they are too far away. I guess 2 hours isn't that bad, but I'm a busy man most days. I was wondering the etiquette of hydro stores? Do they automatically assume that you grow cannabis if you buy products from them? And I also read a lot of people posting about hoe their hydro guy told them this and that or gave advice etc. Is the conversation outright about weed or is it undercover convo aka speaking in code? I seriously want to go into one sometime and see what it's all about. I will bring a shit load of money because I know I'll want one of everything, lol.


Well-Known Member
Oh vbp6us, I too would be very paranoid about him dropping it off at your house...seems very strange.


Active Member
I've never been to a hydro shop simply because they are too far away. I guess 2 hours isn't that bad, but I'm a busy man most days. I was wondering the etiquette of hydro stores? Do they automatically assume that you grow cannabis if you buy products from them? And I also read a lot of people posting about hoe their hydro guy told them this and that or gave advice etc. Is the conversation outright about weed or is it undercover convo aka speaking in code? I seriously want to go into one sometime and see what it's all about. I will bring a shit load of money because I know I'll want one of everything, lol.
Well most hydro stores cater to all kinds of growers, not just cannabis. The one I frequent never assumes anything.


Well-Known Member
I could have met him else where. He is not a cop and I have verified that. :joint:
Not to get into a pissing contest, but how? Some cops don't even know other cops. And FYI...undercover cops can, will and have smoked weed, shot heroin, snorted coke etc all while being an undercover to not blow his/her cover. That's not just in the movies.


Well-Known Member
Well most hydro stores cater to all kinds of growers, not just cannabis. The one I frequent never assumes anything.
That's been my experience too. Often there's a fair amount of wink-wink-nudge-nudge but all the advice I've received has been given in generic terms. It's sort of don't ask / don't tell. I'd be freaked out if someone at the hydro store tried to sell me clones. Even if they're not a cop, they're dangerous because they shouldn't be doing shit like that. They'll get busted, and I don't want to frequent shops that are going to get busted.

Either get your clones from an underground personal connection (aka the way everyone's been doing it forever) or from a medical collective.

Just thinking about having a run in like that at the grow store gives me the heebie jeebies, and I'm legal while growing under the medical limit.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Id be real worried if a hydro store owner was willing to personally drop an item off to me.Thats a red flag situation as he should not personaly have been to your address unless you grew up with him.I have a few buddies who own hydro shops and they can kind of figure out if your growing ganja by what you get or ask.They dont really care as they get paid well for indoor growers.On the topic of a cop doing drugs undercover...if he should and it can be proved his entire case or undercover operation is null and void as it then shows his ability to be a clear un altered law enforcement agent have been compromised.They can fake it but if they take it in to thier system thier case is done..I knew 2 such dumb cops who did so and saw the cases and presidents quoted in court which was fuckin hilarious I might add see 2 year investigations blown out of court in 30 minutes lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I renew my fear and loathing of any personal home delivery. Sounds like a great way to start working towards probable cause for a search warrant.

So far as undercover cops getting fucked up, it depends on the situation and the evidence in question. No, they can't get fucked up and then testify about something that happened right afterwards in more detail than the drug use suggests can be relied upon. Yes, they can get high with you to gain your trust, and then collect evidence at a later time. And some testimony about events happening while they were under the influence may still be admitted, if the prosecuting attorney can persuade the court that the drug use would not have interfered with the officer/agent's ability to gather the particular evidence in question. Precedents are all good and well, but case-law is complex and exceptions, loopholes and conditions abound.

Plus, they lie. On the stand. Plenty.

Don't think just because someone takes a bong hit that they can't be a cop.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Oh cops do drugs and lie thats a given a cop or 2 I knew were great suppliesrs back in the day. Knew a great weed dealer wh was a state patrolmen and another who had great hook up on coke who was a srgt for a local force and he would trade sex with teenage girls for blow lol.If he uses while in any part of the case he basically is fucked though.We talked about it with my girls dad and step mom who are cops but cool to a point and when they drink cops talk alot and will tell you everything lol.They will even tell you about robberies and assaults they have done or seups for murder lol.Gotta love the truth serom of alcohol lol..Delivery of legal items is fine not to your grow address but a personal delivery by the seller would have scared me real good as that is so far from the norm and should raise every red flag you have.I wont be visiting his place lol


Active Member
bTW - according to my attorney (a great one in SD if anyone every needs one), cops cannot do drugs. Period. They do, I'm not retarded. But an undercover vice cop cannot do drugs to "get to know you" or gain your confidence. They can pretend to, but if they do, and you have evidence of such, then their part of the investigation is done. If evidence is gained elsewhere by other means, that can still apply, but that cop's observations, or warrants and evidence gained as a result of that cop is out.


Well-Known Member
bTW - according to my attorney (a great one in SD if anyone every needs one), cops cannot do drugs. Period. They do, I'm not retarded. But an undercover vice cop cannot do drugs to "get to know you" or gain your confidence. They can pretend to, but if they do, and you have evidence of such, then their part of the investigation is done. If evidence is gained elsewhere by other means, that can still apply, but that cop's observations, or warrants and evidence gained as a result of that cop is out.
Now what cop is going to admit to doing drugs in a case that they spend months if not years on? I know that is indeed the law, but they have ways around these obstacles if they want you bad enough. I mean, they are the cops :mrgreen: Anyhow a bit off subject.

I was just saying though that just because he seems cool and you trust him or's never a good idea to let someone know that you grow. If he isn't a cop, he could be some kind of stick up kid or tip people off to come get your crop once it finished. You never know man.