finally harvest time

Well my first few autos are within days of finishing. On to my questions. I have read 65-75F is optimal for drying. i got that down as my room is between 70-73 at any given time. My issue is rh. I can not raise that to what i read is optimal. Room sits at around 27-30%. I was thinking about making a space about 3.5 ft deep 8 ft h and about 5ft wide and put a cool mist humidifier in to raise it to where it needs to be. could there be any problems by doing this? i have ordered my boveda packs as that seems to be the easiest way to cure or i hope


Just don't wet trim and hang after taking off large fans. Watch them closely then start sealing and burping when they start to get dry. I wouldnt use a humidifier but thats just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Trim them wet ofcourse, then when they are nugs on branches trimmed, dry them in the room and you will be fine as long as you don't over dry..its the humidity level in curing that is more important just remember since your humidity is lower don't listen to these guys that dry for a week, your herb will be dried out without a cure almost by then
i got a coolmist humidifier and keeping the space i am using for drying at a 50% humidity level. the temp i have not gone below 60 and a high of 74. i did take the big fan leaves off but left sugar leaves on. gonna trim everything prior to hanging next time and see how that goes.