FINALLY I have a baby!!!! :) look at pics!


Well-Known Member
So after about ready to give up i finally saw green coming up from the soil....yay! After about an hour and a half it looked like picture number #1.....yay and the next day keeping 24 hours of light which you can see in the pic its a 26watt cfl it looks like pic #2 and pic does it look?? Anyways this is my first grow I hope shes a female and I just wanted a couple questions answers for my first time....

When do I start 18/6 on the light and should I have more than 1 cfl for this period????

How often do I water during this stage???

Is my light too close???

what should the temp be when lights on/off??

and how long before the nutes and anybody know some good ones that could be found locally say at wal-mart or somewhere where a garden shop isnt nearby??

thank you keep your fingers crossed that its a female!!!




Well-Known Member
Keep it on 24/0 until you want it to flower then put it on 12/12. You need more light in general. Just water when the soil isnt moist. Light looks fine as long as it isnt hot. 70. Few weeks few the nutes and i dont know where to get em.


Active Member
If you keep it at 24/0, you will need a fan; otherwise, the stalk will grow very fast and it'll fall over. I've had this problem before... get a fan to gently blow on your plant.


New Member
Hope, pray, whatever you think will work best, it comes up a female.

THEN you can clone the hell out of it and have a BUNCH!!

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Looks nice, If you want to keep it on 24/0 get a small fan to strengthen the stem cause other wise it was start looking droopy and lanky from all the growing its doing, i would recommend that your switch to 18/6 after first or second week (depending on how fast the growth is)