Finally made some hash but I have a question..


Well-Known Member
So, I tried the isopropyl method of making hash this past weekend. I used all clippings from the 2 plants I harvested, as well as a couple buds I had laying around. I coarsely ground up in blender with the 90% iso. I then strained into a glass jar and left for a couple hours, using regular paper coffee filters (not the best method, I know). When I checked, the water was greenish and there was sediment settled at the bottom of the jar. I slowly poured as much of the liquid as I could into another jar (jar 2) without disturbing the sediment in jar 1. I put aside jar 2 and left that to settle again. I then carely poured out the contents of jar one onto a plate and left to dry for a couple hours. What was left was a sticky sand-like substance, which I scraped off the plate and stored in a tiny baggy. The wife and I sprinkled some of this on a bowl and smoked that over the weekend. The high was immediate and intense but did not last more than maybe 20 mins. I was disappointed in the results, needless to say.

I checked on jar 2 on Monday and found that there was sediment at the bottom of that jar too. The water was brownish. I carefully poured the contents onto the plate and left it a couple days for the remaining iso to evaporate. Here's the strange thing, when I checked the plate on Tuesday, it had no iso smell at all. Smelled like plain old water. I didn't think of it at the time but now I am wondering if this was hash oil. Anyway, I left the mixture to continue evaporating and last night when I checked on it, there was a brown sticky paste on the plate. The wife and I scraped some off and put it in the bowl with some bud. The high was amazing! Very immediate and intense. The taste was strange too - definitely not like any weed I had smoked. It was a "clear" high. Weird to describe. I was definitely high but my mind was clear and sharp. Usually it's hard for me to stay focused or concentrate when I'm high and often I'll forget mid-sentence what we were talking about but not this high. I felt mentally sharp and energetic.

Anyone have any comments on why the first sandy substance was different in potency and type of high as the sticky paste? Are both considered hash?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
heya hearmenow

not an expert here...

Glad to hear you got a decent high from your efforts! The second batch sounds a bit more like "oil"...not sure what you had on the first.

In general..and from my experience with this process...the LONGER the iso stays in contact with the plant material the greener the oil is and more impurities are imparted into it. The best oil I ever made was done in a large pickle jar using 2 ounces of SAGE and a qt of 91% iso. I shook the iso/pot mixture vigourously for 30 seconds and then strained it through a 230 micron silkscreen ...and then left the iso to evap in a glass baking dish on a heating pad for 24 hours.

When the iso was gone the residue was very RED..and VERY tasty/potent.

If you try it again..I recommend that you try a QUICK WASH first...(no longer than a minute of contact between iso and pot) and then go back and do it a second batch with more iso to the same pot that you let sit for an hour or two. The first batch should be very pure..the second..dark and dank with more of a "black hash" type taste to it.

Oh yeah..the blender isn't necesssary, IMO. You are trying to WASH the trichs from the leaf surface, not grab the chloropyhyll from the leaf. I think it works best with coarse material.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Thanks, btdt. You shook yours only for 30 secs? I vigorously shook the mixture for about 30 mins. I'll try not putting in the blender next time. I will say though, that this morning I feel exhausted, as if we'd been partying all night. The Mrs and I took our last hit around 10 pm and after doing the horizontal mambo, we were asleep by around 11:30. I wouldn't think I'd feel so beat today.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Yup...30 seconds. No more than a minute or so of contact between bud and iso. Then strain...and let the iso evap on a heating pad...etc.. (NO FLAMES FOLKS!) Should be NO visible pot in the finished pan/product. This should give you very pure oil w/little to no chlorophyll and an out of this world taste. It's the ESSENCE of the plant you have grown...the essential oils...terpenes..all the stuff that gives it it's whap and it's flavor.

butane is another method..though far more dangerous. I always let mine sit for WEEKS before using it...and to be honest, haven't made it for as year+ now since trying the iso.

Either can use quite a bit of your plant/trash material and turn it into an AMAZING product with a bit of practice. Do a search for "iso hash oil" or "Butane Honey oil" my friend..there are lotsa picture tutorials out there to choose from...

good luck!

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Thanks, bdtd and mid. I read those tutorials, among others. I'd like to try bubble hash but I'm not willing to spend the money on the right equip. Ditto a vaporizer. Anyway, we like smoking well cured herb.


Elite Rolling Society
Man, I disagree in that you do have to use the blender, and after the 2 or three minutes of blending, you drain it and strain it as soon as possible.

If not mixed with pot, The high is a pure high, where you feel giggley and good, and you are really fucked up, but you might not be BLANK and tied to the sofa. I was, but you might want to do soemthing! It's a wierd high !
Videoman has the best step by step instructions.
or look here: with pics