Finally transplanted and brought indoors


Active Member
Ok, I've got an unknown strain going. I was given these two plants, in VERY poor condition. Soil filled with UNWANTED weeds, herbs, and some unknown stuff.....

I've planted them into a new soil, replanted them each into their own pots.

Currently, they are under a ceiling fan... I bought a lamp at home depot, but the sockets are too small for my bulbs -____-...

Im going back tomorrow to get some lamps for mounting on my closet. Im going to line the walls of the closet with aluminum and mirrors to reflect the lighting.

I feel the plants have bugs, but Im not sure. I took a few photos. Both plants appear to have been ate on.... One had leaves that wilted, i plucked the two leaves, from the bottom.

Do you guys think these plants will live?

Im putting them under a 18/6 cycle starting today. the lights will be cut off at 12 am. and on at 6 am. Prior, they were outside.



Active Member
What are the white spots on the final picture caused byyyyy??????

Will they be ok now that they are indoors? should I go get some pesticide?


Well-Known Member
They will be OK, if you see holes in the leaves then you have pests. Give them a few days and see what happens.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
your soil could have used some more pearlight to help with moisture control...what type of lights are you going to use


Active Member
right now, a couple of 26 watts. My stronger watt bulbs wouldnt fit into the Lamp and I have to go purchase a new lamp tomorrow...

But tomorrow, I will try to get 200 watts of 5000k bulbs, and 100 wats of 2700k.

As for the half leaves, I will try to take a better photo tomorrow, but if u look on pic 3/4 you should be able to see.
The white spots are in the final pic. I will also post those pics tomorrow.


Active Member
I saw something on them earlier. looked like.... a rolly polly....(possibly small caterpillar) before i brought it inside, and another small bug, like a termite, on one leaf. I killed them both.

Were you able to zoom in on the 6th picture like you did to the 4th one?


Well-Known Member
Yeah should be able to find neem oil at home depot, spray it on your girl and she should be back to normal in no time, the oil will also keep multiple other pests at bay


Active Member
Great, I'm going to homedepot tomorrow any way. i will DEFINITELY remember NEEM oil.

Thank you!!

Youve been ALOT of help to me so far rob, I appreciate your help!@


Active Member
lol me too. I honestly dont expect this one to make it. The condition it has been in since ive gotten it has nevver been good. And now, it had bugs... lol After I transplanted it, i thought it could have a nice life. Its been through so much shock in the past 72 hours, its ridiculous...

I just hope my lil baby turns around.

The other one, shes soo thickk. nice fatt body!! and shes a younginn


Well-Known Member
lol me too. I honestly dont expect this one to make it. The condition it has been in since ive gotten it has nevver been good. And now, it had bugs... lol After I transplanted it, i thought it could have a nice life. Its been through so much shock in the past 72 hours, its ridiculous...

I just hope my lil baby turns around.

The other one, shes soo thickk. nice fatt body!! and shes a younginn
Haha she'll turn around their strong she'll just have to veg a lil longer...and good short an stocky is the way to go, they go outward then up thats how i'd like mine to be