FINALLY underway, the plan is in motion, any suggestions? added a pic

benjamin alexander

Active Member
heya all so after bugging everyone throwing around ides like everyone else does in the beginning trying yo come up with the best set up for a first timer well herer's my idea (keep in mind i'll be one-armed for about the nex 9 months to a year so i needed the lowest maintanence yet most fool-proof grow for good results)-

i will be using hempy buckets/bucket (can you run more than one plant in a big enough pot?) and a medium mix 55% coir 30% large perlite 10%pine chips 5% scilica stone and using osmocote plus organc trf ferts as the MAIN nutrient source, i found a guy by the name of docbud who does AMAZING things with hempy buckets and regular osmocote plus, said he would kill for the organic version, well we have it here cheap as lol 1kg for $8, i will suppliment IF i see deficiencies but i dont think i will...

lighting will be a pro grow 180 selective switch after much deliceration, mainly due to the insane temps i gotta deal with here and ease of use. will supplement with small t5's if i feel the need during flowering- doubt it though.

my cabinet will be vented by one pc fan intake, one pc fan exhaust (local company sells them 240v versions, ball bearing units 57 cfm and only 30db) with one of my own inventions- as an aircon unit mounted up the top with a 30 litre reservoir stored in a small fridge next to my cab, (hooked up to a float valve so i dont even have to fill it up!) running straight r/o water with an airstone in it and both the pump for the aircon and auto feeding system.

auto feeding system is a simple submersible pump and as many grow rings as i have plants, connected to a timer unless someone has an idea to cheaply hook it up to a moisture level meter? comes on twice a day, 5 minutes. runoff will be straight ouside onto my peaches lol

aircon is hooked up to a humidi/thermostat and watering system is hooked up to a timer. my cabinet is fairly small, only about 1.2ft deep by 1.6ft wide by 2.5ft high, what training method would you suggest for this space? top, fim, lst, scrog? i will either be doing 1 x larger plant, 2 x medium plants, 2-4 autos or quite a few rooted cuttings straight into 12/12 depending on what strain i want to smoke/what clones i have in stasis etc.

will be all sealed up with panda film and zips, made out of oak so pretty well solid and insulated as is. i'vr mounted the whole thing on lockable hidden castors and modified the top to be a lid and sectioned off an area above the grow sealed off for my timers/ switches/monitors so i can change things and check on stats while my plants are in the dark without disturbing them all self contained in the one cab.

seeds hopefully arrive tomorrow, will be growing 60 day wonder (i think dunno what im actually getting YET, do know im getting jedi and trainwreck- might be a problem in my cab still im up for the challenge!)

so there you have it, hopefully once ive set it up and done the hardwork, it will basically run itself, ill check on it daily and train/trim as i need too but let me know what you guys think! ive done SOOOO much research and taken all the ideas i liked, spliced a few of my own and come up with what i hope to be an incredibly simple way to grow quality weed on a small scale for personal use.

oh yeah and besides my light ($280) i have gotten everything else put together/ supplied/ built for less than $150 INCLUDING all my nutes lol so if i get 2 oz out of this it will have saved me enough money on medicine to have paid for itself but i am hoping for a little bit more than that.

pics to come soon, got them from the build process so far and will continue to, ill whip up a quick diagram for everone-dont laugh

peace! ben


Well-Known Member
This is going to be interesting to watch. So, how much vertical space is there between your hempy bucket and your light (at his highest position)?

I'm curious about the strain you chose to grow? Why did you decide to go with BLZ Bud? Just curious.

Good luck.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
it's just 3 foot tall (given myself option to move the top shelf and actually raise the whole cabinet if needed so potentially 4 ft just worried about light penetration cuz its fairly narrow (20 inches wide 13 1/2 inches deep)
havent got the blz bud, hopefully got some 60 day wonder coming today/tomorrow for my first round thank you very much to that fellow enthusiast :D
i wanted blz bud because a friend who frequents canada for sporting events had experience with it and recommended it to me, im pretty open though,i want to experience many different strains and build up my own stock eventually, def be looking for a nice 'white' strain or maybe a belladonna grow next?


Well-Known Member
60 day Wonder is an interesting choice. I broke down and sent for some Belladonna, and Blue Mystic (I need some low smell strains).

I'm going to learn from your approach. Should be fun to watch.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
hopefully, looking to dispel a coupla myths along the way... like led's are crap and trf can ruin/burn your plants, this grow might bomb, it might blossom, im gonna have fun finding out! 60 day wonder was a very kind and generous donation so i could get my medicine done asap :P


Well-Known Member
hopefully, looking to dispel a coupla myths along the way... like led's are crap and trf can ruin/burn your plants, this grow might bomb, it might blossom, im gonna have fun finding out! 60 day wonder was a very kind and generous donation so i could get my medicine done asap :P
What's trf?

Don't worry about LEDs, you are gonna rock the casbah.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
time release ferts, the lil balls you sprinkle on regular gardens like veggies and roses, osmocote makes a new range of organic trf that has everything you need in it, guaranteed not to burn your plants and can last for up to 6 months, cheap as too!


Well-Known Member
time release ferts, the lil balls you sprinkle on regular gardens like veggies and roses, osmocote makes a new range of organic trf that has everything you need in it, guaranteed not to burn your plants and can last for up to 6 months, cheap as too!
Oh, duh. Yeah, I'm a fan of Osmocote for just about everything. I thought what I've been using is organic. I'd better check.

edit: Is 60 Day Wonder an auto strain? Autos don't much care for nutes, at least when grown in dirt. It's one reason I'm attracted to them. I'll probably lightly foliar feed occasionally, and lightly feed going into bloom. But I like the idea of very little fert. Makes for nice taste and no flushing.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
yeah thats why i like the osmocote organic, no need to flush and an amazing taste is what has been reported by doc bud about regular osmocote plus, he couldnt get the organic (t actually says osmocote plus ORGANIC on the label)
yeah it is an auto strain, and somehow the osmocote only releases as many nutes as your plant can take up, osmotic pressure or somethnig, search docnud osmocote, he knows all about it :P


Active Member
:) yo bro , Nice.. my light just came in today, put a drop of superthrived and gave them that to drink then turned on the cmh :P

my super lemon haze is coming out strong.
your l.e.d is my challenge , lets see wich one turns out better :)

im happy to see you figured out everything and got it going now!

benjamin alexander

Active Member
lol ill take you up on that challenge :D yeah finally got it together, thank you bonzing and viagro for all your help along te way, wouldn't have come together otherwise!


Active Member
im INVADING your thread !! :D my time to post my new started grow, atleast this way we can compare cmh & led, but i bet were both gonna be equal lol

Also i have my 150 watt hps, and 6 reptile, mercury vapor bulbs wich been said to be good when flowering