find latest post and post area not working


Well-Known Member
only done a couple of posts but when I checked my latest post and click the post area (no post are listed)
and so putting my name "jacksthc" in the search bar says sorry no match

this site looks good but I need a way to track the posts I make.
any help would be great, thanks


Staff member
are you going to my profile on the top right hand corner i see all 4 posts you made
you can also go to my roll it up on the top right hand corner and check your subbed threads (any thread youve posted in)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply
this is a list of the problems I am having

First tab, top of page (user name) – my activity works great
First tab, top of page (user name)- post areas tab (top area of posting) blank page
Left side of main page with the list, find latest page, find latest started threads, ect

find latest post tab - (vbulletin message) expected searchd protocol version 1+ got version “0”
find latest started threads tab –
(vbulletin message) expected searchd protocol version 1+ got version “0”

thanks again


Staff member
we are working on it until than you and every other user have been without it since december of 2012


Staff member
again??? my god! Trash windows web server.
he is the only person currently complaining about the issue, can you check for me db i know oyu were one of the people affected let me know if its not working for you


Well-Known Member
just seen your post, reinstalled the computer last night and now everything works on here :) :) :)

thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
I'm cannot access my last 3 days of "latest posts" in my profile, also a thread i started is missing from my "started threads"