finding a new guy


Active Member
so about a month ago my regular guy moved out of town, so a friend of my brother helped me out and bought some from a buddy of his for me. i gave him the money and he came back with the bag. it was pretty good stuff so i had him get it for me again. he says his buddy is paranoid and didnt want to deal with me directly, so i was like whatever. i did it again a couple of more times, and my brothers friend didnt mind doing it for me so i thought all was well. until the stuff he was giving me slowly started to get shittier and shittier.

He charges $60/8th, which is pretty high, but i was gettin some good mary. now the crap i get is all fluffy and tastes like soap. and i have to smoke twice as much to get not as baked.

so long story short i have to find someone else. yet i know no one else that smokes. i have a feeling finding a new source is going to be a tough job.

any advice?


Well-Known Member
Ah man i wouldn't stress it. Try going to some social gatherings (school, party's etc.) and try getting into a conversation about weed. You'd be surprised who can hook you up with a sack and being so young, the other people you're talking to about it aren't going to care. But that's my advice, try to get into a convo about weed and drop some lines like, "Yeah, i'm dry right now it sucks..." and maybe they'll feel you and you can work it out from there.


Well-Known Member
omg. seriously easy to score weed when ur in school / college. i had people coming up to me asking if i wanted any.

once u grow up and have a full time job it probably gets harder.

im kind of in the same situation only im 21 and work full time with hardly any time free to get out and see new people..... hense my grow :)


Well-Known Member
Are you in california?
I know high school has silly social demogrpahics so you can probably go up to any gangster or rocker and ask where the trees are at lol


Active Member
Ya should have signed up in December buddy..Didn't you read the rules? ;)
awwww sucker.

my suggestion is to not be worked up about it when i wasin high school i was appraoached and asked to buy. mabye your just not cool enough, put your work into becoming more cool and more weed shall appear.


Well-Known Member
awwww sucker.

my suggestion is to not be worked up about it when i wasin high school i was appraoached and asked to buy. mabye your just not cool enough, put your work into becoming more cool and more weed shall appear.
lol!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Active Member
well i find out today that i do know a couple of people that smoke lol. and it just so happens that they know who i should be talking to. the only thing is that there prices are pretty much rediculous. 20 a gram for fucking mids. are you kidding me? so im still searching.


Well-Known Member
dude, you're getting 60 an 8th for what I pay 70 a quad for. you just need the right connect

ask around. in high school/college it's so easy


Well-Known Member
dude, you're getting 60 an 8th for what I pay 70 a quad for. you just need the right connect

ask around. in high school/college it's so easy
location is a key factor too.

Here in central and northern cali its easier to procure some herb for a fair price. Some places this isn't as true, less compitition combined with more demand.