Finding a place thas 420 safe

rock lobster

Well-Known Member
i know this is a shot in the dark. wondering how or anyone growing found their room mate. if there is any place to look for people down with some marijuana growing. me and my girlfriend are planning on moving soon.

if anyone knows any sites besides craigslist, that would be sweeeet. thanks.


Well-Known Member
No I would never be okay with this. I think you may have too much faith in humanity. A stranger? That I'm gonna be growing with? No way, not for me. My home is my sanctuary, no scary strangers I can't trust. Find a cheaper place, make your girl cough up some rent and get your own place. If you both have a job and can't afford your own joint...I suggest waiting. Sad as it sounds, I cannot condone you living and growing with a stranger. It's just not safe 9 out of 10 times. Think about it.

rock lobster

Well-Known Member
No I would never be okay with this. I think you may have too much faith in humanity. A stranger? That I'm gonna be growing with? No way, not for me. My home is my sanctuary, no scary strangers I can't trust. Find a cheaper place, make your girl cough up some rent and get your own place. If you both have a job and can't afford your own joint...I suggest waiting. Sad as it sounds, I cannot condone you living and growing with a stranger. It's just not safe 9 out of 10 times. Think about it.
yea, I understand this. but i guess i don't i've actually never lived with anyone else besides my girlfriend. I just wanted to get an extra room so it would be cheaper. but if i found someone down i sure wouldn't mind. its going to be legal anyway.


Well-Known Member
Wear an Amsterdam t-shirt. That's what I did.
The next day a guy I saw on college campus wore one.
Then the day after that he and his friend both passed me a note asking to smoke and hang out lol

There are actually some cool strangers out there, if one musters the courage to try and meet them. After all, even the ones closest to you can wound you most.


Seems like if there was a website you could go to with a lot of growers and went into the local section and started making friends that maybe you could find something. Too bad there isn't a site like that ;)
But really keep everything as quite as possible, pounds here are down in the $2000 range and people still get robbed, legal or not.