Finding a roll in SoCal

MDMA seems to have been demanded less with corona and everything lately not many places you can get it anymore. There is still a very good vendor on DP who will send it to anywhere with quality tho ;) no name dropping:D
Oh damn, I figured rolls were 100%synthetic. That's so interesting but sad the trees may disappear.
In the early 90s I remember our little town was FLOODED with liquid acid. Took me over 20 years to find out it was being made by a local using Hawaiian woodrose seeds. Sadly, I was just smoking weed back then ( just a kid) and didnt try any.
Well, that was off some documentary i watched. Just looked it up, looks like they are all over the place on the east coast. Not sure if they are they same that can be used for MDMA, as the trees i saw were used were from south america i think
For everyone wondering what I meant with 'DP' DeepWeb, I got used to calling it that with friends so sorry lol