Finding A Second Light For My Flowering Room


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that I vegged 14 plant in 1gl under those @25w to 120w from day 1 to 28 then I put it in 3gl and
9 went in my 4x4 under the f.....g! 600 hps...I have a cheese clone of the same mother in I can compare...every time I open the 4x4 I never know if I have to cry or laugh!?!
It is like I said night and day!
Cmh hps mh it is all I know cob I can openly say that it is some pieces of shit...a real pita...when I open the 4x4 I investigate every time...I am looking for the 500w I am missing...where are they?...and split the nutes bill by 2 is good for my mood too...!
I come in US for holiday next Xmas so I want friend not enemy
I will add pics all along for proof!
Pics or it never happened ;) Going from hps to 3590's you should see a huge difference but I'll defend the 315's against 4x 3590's all day long until I see them pull an elbow. I think the 315's can, we should set up a friendly competition :peace:


Well-Known Member
I HAVE 4X CXB 3590 @1400mA =200w
OVER A 3.5X3.5.X4.5..105X105X140cm A BIT MORE THAN A SQUARE METER!
But my cxb are on single hs 250x165x35mm so I split the box in 4 and put one at the middle of each quarter!
I plan on 250g...I have 5 plants in 3gl and I am in 29days 12/12View attachment 3562272View attachment 3562274View attachment 3562275View attachment 35622798 in a 4x4 will kick ass...
Have a great day ★
Very nice grow, 250g would be a nice pull from 200w. But here's where I'm skeptical on 4x 3590/200w vs. 315w CMH. Most I've pulled with the 315 is 1.2 gpw or 378g total. I have a lot of pheno hunts going on but I'll setup a run for some weight in 8-10 weeks. I'm sure these can pull well over 400, even 450g with a decent producing strain. The 3590's would have to pull 2.25 gpw to hit 450g, that would be impressive, I'd buy a panel next week if they can do that.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure these can pull well over 400, even 450g with a decent producing strain. The 3590's would have to pull 2.25 gpw to hit 450g, that would be impressive, I'd buy a panel next week if they can do that.
That's an interesting point. But, isn't that apples/oranges? It reminds me of that guy a few months ago DIYing his own epistar fixtures, poo-poo'ing w/sq ft. efficiency with g/sq ft. He threw 70w/sq ft of epistar -- and then proclaimed his 60g/sq ft superior to the 35g/sq ft realized by the 30w/sq ft guys.

It seems like, to be fair, w/sq ft would have to factor into total grams (g/sq ft). I.e., what w/sq ft would the 3590 guys have to run to match your 450g? How much less than 315w would that be?

Or, am I looking at it wrong?


Well-Known Member
How many watt this cmh pull from the wall?
I take the same watt over the same sq/ft in the same medium with the same plants and we will see who's gonna pull the best gpw!
When you pulled 1.2gpw was it in soil organic?
What I know is compare to the 600hps buds it is going to be huge...never done that in my life...and I never feed the one under cob with liquid nutes of any sort...not the case of the others under hps! And temps...loooow I only have a passive intake and a square fan in the box...26ºC! Top!...28º with hps and in/out many $€ saved!
You will come to the dark side one day...cob war! (Wensday!!!)


Well-Known Member
That's an interesting point. But, isn't that apples/oranges? It reminds me of that guy a few months ago DIYing his own epistar fixtures, poo-poo'ing w/sq ft. efficiency with g/sq ft. He threw 70w/sq ft of epistar -- and then proclaimed his 60g/sq ft superior to the 35g/sq ft realized by the 30w/sq ft guys.

It seems like, to be fair, w/sq ft would have to factor into total grams (g/sq ft). I.e., what w/sq ft would the 3590 guys have to run to match your 450g? How much less than 315w would that be?

Or, am I looking at it wrong?
I'm thinking gpw would account for any difference in the wattage, the question is proving out the claim that 200 watts of 3590 could match the yield of the 315's. You'd have to do a side by side with same clones to really get a comparison. Give them each a 3.5 x 3.5' and see what they pull.


Well-Known Member
How many watt this cmh pull from the wall?
I take the same watt over the same sq/ft in the same medium with the same plants and we will see who's gonna pull the best gpw!
When you pulled 1.2gpw was it in soil organic?
What I know is compare to the 600hps buds it is going to be huge...never done that in my life...and I never feed the one under cob with liquid nutes of any sort...not the case of the others under hps! And temps...loooow I only have a passive intake and a square fan in the box...26ºC! Top!...28º with hps and in/out many $€ saved!
You will come to the dark side one day...cob war! (Wensday!!!)
Ha I've already crossed to the dark side, I run 200w of COBs in a small tent, mainly used for breeding but I flower in there the odd time. I have another 300w of 3070's I haven't put together. No need to sell me on COBs, I'm just a little skeptical on the 3590's being that much better, gotta see it. I run 50/50 soil/pro-mix and feed every other watering. Those pull 345w at 240v and 365w at 120v, they're not record breakers, but for anything other than COBs they're a nice option. They (2x315's) only brought my temps up 4-5F overall when I switched them out for same wattage in LED's, all I use is 4" exhaust and intake, mostly running at the lowest setting other than in mid-summer. These are not hps, nor typical MH bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Ha I've already crossed to the dark side, I run 200w of COBs in a small tent, mainly used for breeding but I flower in there the odd time. I have another 300w of 3070's I haven't put together. No need to sell me on COBs, I'm just a little skeptical on the 3590's being that much better, gotta see it. I run 50/50 soil/pro-mix and feed every other watering. Those pull 345w at 240v and 365w at 120v, they're not record breakers, but for anything other than COBs they're a nice option. They (2x315's) only brought my temps up 4-5F overall when I switched them out for same wattage in LED's, all I use is 4" exhaust and intake, mostly running at the lowest setting other than in mid-summer. These are not hps, nor typical MH bulbs.
Can you recommend a cob build tutorial? I want to introduce cob lighting into my bloom tent. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Can you recommend a cob build tutorial? I want to introduce cob lighting into my bloom tent. Thank you.
Hey Darth, if you're looking to build best place is right in this forum, here's some threads, some focus on particular parts but many cover all aspects within the thread, you have to pick through the subjects and scan them but all the info is right in here. If you're starting now I'd suggest looking at the 3590's, apparently they can produce better than 2gpw ;)

A few direct links to threads I keep an eye on for ideas/info:
(many, many more good threads in this section, this was just from the first couple of pages)

Some nice design ideas on fixtures in here:


Well-Known Member
Don't say that they can produce more than 2gpw @1400mA...say they could in hydro with the good clones @350mA!
If those cmh are 350w and pull gpw kt is going to be hard to beat with 215w of cxb 3590...more than 1.5gpw in soil not easy...
But like I said at equal wattage...and less nutes, heat, work!
I can't wait to harvest...I know it is going to be my best gpw ever because of the clone and the hso trainwreck will be the biggest plant no doubt it is a monster then the moby dick!


Well-Known Member
Hey Darth, if you're looking to build best place is right in this forum, here's some threads, some focus on particular parts but many cover all aspects within the thread, you have to pick through the subjects and scan them but all the info is right in here. If you're starting now I'd suggest looking at the 3590's, apparently they can produce better than 2gpw ;)

A few direct links to threads I keep an eye on for ideas/info:
(many, many more good threads in this section, this was just from the first couple of pages)

Some nice design ideas on fixtures in here:
Thanks buddy!!