Finding Acid.

I haven't a clue where to begin. I did acid once. I completely fell in love with it. Did shrooms, didn't quite have the same magic. DMT was alright also.

But LSD... That was just something special. I want to do it again, unfortunately, one of the people I did it with, who had the hookup is on bad terms with me.

If I did call him, I might be able to, but it'd be at probably 20/hit or something ridiculous.

My question is, how did YOU find your hookup, and do you have any tips to help me find mine? And how could I work my way up the chain to find more hookups? :lol:

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
Sorry man, can't really help you out. But please tell me how shrooms didn't have the same "magic". I've done shrooms but have never tried LSD. I've been dying to though, just so I can compare. Please tell me how they differ. I don't understand.
Sorry man, can't really help you out. But please tell me how shrooms didn't have the same "magic". I've done shrooms but have never tried LSD. I've been dying to though, just so I can compare. Please tell me how they differ. I don't understand.
I did 2 grams of Shrooms, and only half a hit of acid.

If you want to read how acid went for me click this link:

But anyways, on half a hit of acid, I knew I was feeling it, but I wasn't seeing crazy stuff. Only very minor things, like walls sort of moved, trees breathed, the littlest things were entertaining. 2 grams of shrooms... More expensive than the HALF HIT that I did. A full hit costed 15. Shrooms... everything seemed like it was HD. Everything seemed very clear. We were stupid. We walked around the same little loop for over an hour, laps around, and not even realizing we were.

Acid, we walked miles. All over the place. Went to bed at 6 AM as the sun rose, and I didn't feel like a zombie the next day.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Make friends with people who do have it/a hook-up? How else would you expect to find some? Be friendly. The only 'trick' out there.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Acid is a cult drug man. I don't know anyone besides that one guy. Well, another guy, but he never came through.

The supply, of LSD, is cult. The sellers, are businessmen. They sell. Find people who are into psychedelics and ask if they like LSD. Spark up a conversation. Ask and you shall receive. If not, try, try again. xD

The supply, of LSD, is cult. The sellers, are businessmen. They sell. Find people who are into psychedelics and ask if they like LSD. Spark up a conversation. Ask and you shall receive. If not, try, try again. xD
Alright man. I've asked about quite a bit. Never any success.


Well-Known Member
2g of dried mushrooms is a pretty low dose assuming they were cubensis. Try taking a little more next time. Most people report a significant difference between a 2g and a 3g dose. But I agree, comparing shrooms to acid is like comparing apples to oranges. For me, the difference is that LSD is much more visual whereas mushrooms are more introspective. I love the visuals of LSD, but overall I prefer mushrooms for several reasons. For one, the availability. Cubensis are very easy to grow on a small scale (PF Tek) and if done properly and with a little experience can easily yield an ounce or two. I feel the after effects of mushrooms are much milder as well. When I eat boomers, I generally eat 3.5-4g around dusk and I can still function the next day. With even a small dose of LSD I expect to be up all night and be fried the next day. At this point in my life, I prefer the introspection over the insane visuals I looked for when I was a teenager. If I had to chose between LSD or mushrooms, I'd decided based upon what I wanted out of the experience. Mushrooms aren't something I'd take in a high dose then go out to a high energy social event like a bar or a concert. Some people do, but I prefer a small group of close friends sitting around a campfire. There is something about mushrooms that gives me a strong "privative" feeling. A connection to the earth, nature, the past, the future, and to the people around me. I can't really explain it. I'm not a very spiritual person, so I think that is why I enjoy them so much. Not at all saying that this is your intent, but mushrooms aren't something I would take just to "go out and get wasted."

Honestly, if you know someone that can hook you up with LSD and it's something you really want to do, try to reconcile. Even if they are a prick and charge you $20 a hit, then you gotta do what you gotta do. If you had such a good time, then $40 for 2 hits might be worth it to you. That's still less than say going out to club in the cool part of town and getting drunk.


Well-Known Member
But HOW? Please explain in detail. Stop fucking with my mind. I need to know.
the differnece is shrooms is confusion and designs being superimposed on other images, and seeing the "soul" of things,

acid is more clear headed and the world actually change, get it?

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
the differnece is shrooms is confusion and designs being superimposed on other images, and seeing the "soul" of things,

acid is more clear headed and the world actually change, get it?
Hmm, ok I understand. I know what you're talking about with the confusion on shrooms. One time after a trip, I just sat in my room so utterly confused that both me and my friend just kept saying "Im so fucking confused"

Also, does LSD have the same "connection with nature" that shrooms has?
Its different for everyone.

Some people like their boomers over acid, or acid over boomers.
For me, I think shrooms can be wayyyy more intense than acid. I can eat a ten strip and go to the moon with lucy and be cool. I eat an eigth of a good strain of shrooms- that shit has me in another world. I woke up on the beach with Tom Hanks from the movie "Cast Away" with my buddy. Best trip of my life.

I still like LSD over shrooms to this day, buttttt i still love the booms too!

As for finding acid- itll find you!


Well-Known Member
try bullshitting "one of the people I did it with, who had the hookup is on bad terms with me." (in 6 months should be a little more on your terms) If you havnt screwed my over to bad By doing something (sport/girl/new game system/new group best you start out on the bottom each time ) whatever & wondered how yall was doing ?
Ive done that the best part of my life
Of the group but not in the group frees you to move about as you please taking the best place of 2-3 groups
brings you up in otheir groups ;) in time
Aint a get cool quick plan but over time remember to pop in on the group leader ever 2-3 months call twice as much You get the best prices cuz they dont know how much your otheir group sell for
You get the best options cuz you share whats going on from the best of many groups
Play your shit cool breaking it down to score kill ass shit 50% done with the group you scored from
2-25% of the two best to groups
The punkest of the groups is used to sell lamest/old score too (only the leaders otherwise he`ll see you making his money could be a problem )



Hippie festivals and it is in great supply.

Be careful though, LSD is not something that just anyone can produce. Despite having good experiences with it, or at least not bad, I would not suggest anyone to try it.


Well-Known Member
speaking of which that avatar doesnt fill me with confidants ..................................