Finding clones

I would suggest ordering seeds and avoiding clones. Clones can contaminate your grow with disease and pests. My friend just bought some clones from a well known company in Michigan and they blew up with White Powdery Mildew in veg. Not sure if it's intentional sabotage or just coincidence but I'm convinced at this point Powdery Mildew is a systemic disease that doesn't leave the plant without extreme systemic fungicides which are typically neurotoxic and carcinogenic.
Ya that's not true I have strains that had pm now I still have them and run them. No pm. The spores gotta be there. You can get rid of it.
It really is getting old isn't it. It's like everyday someone claims they're being bullied.
I’m no victim, and I don’t get bullied, especially not on the internet . It’s just a matter of fact, you two weren’t helpful or trying to be, you were condescending and acted like I was out of place for asking a question. No victim here though
I’m no victim, and I don’t get bullied, especially not on the internet . It’s just a matter of fact, you two weren’t helpful or trying to be, you were condescending and acted like I was out of place for asking a question. No victim here though
You posted after the administration answered your question
But sure totally innocent
I’m no victim, and I don’t get bullied, especially not on the internet . It’s just a matter of fact, you two weren’t helpful or trying to be, you were condescending and acted like I was out of place for asking a question. No victim here though

If you hover over usernames of people obviously starting shit just click "Ignore" and you won't see their posts anymore on the forum. I've had to do this to a few members including whoever you responded to..
Ya that's not true I have strains that had pm now I still have them and run them. No pm. The spores gotta be there. You can get rid of it.

Do you have a source confirming it's just the spores? To my knowledge PM being systematic or not is still highly debated.
What information were you looking for? You posted a link to a thread where a moderator specifically stated that it's not allowed so why did you bother even making a thread to ask the question? The information was in the thread you linked.

Just buy some seeds online and call it a day.
Seems like I’m not the only one who doesn’t read thoroughly, the first post is a question asking if there is a place onsite to find cuts, or where they can be found if not.
Do you have a source confirming it's just the spores? To my knowledge PM being systematic or not is still highly debated.
The source I have is the plants I'm growing.
There's no need for debate.
People just think it is because once you get it, it's very difficult to get rid of and it will likely show up again. Athena IPM is a great way to get rid of pm.
Sweet, thank you for being helpful guys! Also I wasn’t trying to sell anything nor was I actively trying to buy, just looking for the place where such things are done. You guys managed to condescend very effectively without giving me any useful information. Excellent work, continue guarding the sacred knowledge, I’ll leave now but I’m sure the next time I need be taken down a peg, I know where to go.
That’s like walking around a neighborhood asking ppl if they sell drugs… then Johnny Law approaches you, and you hit em with “I’m not looking to buy any drugs, I’m just looking to see where it’s at.. ya know.. just Incase” :lol:
As for the rest of your message.. Welcome to the mean streets of RIU lol