"Finding somebody in jail for possession is like finding a unicorn."


Well-Known Member
This according to the Bush appointed Drug Czar of the US, John Walters.

According to: The Drug War's Latest Tally: 872,721 Pot Arrests, an All-Time High | DrugReporter | AlterNet

The latest numbers show 872,721 pot arrests. An all time high. But according to our drug czar "The fact is today, people don't go to jail for the possession of marijuana," Walters alleged on C-Span. "Finding somebody in jail or prison for possession of marijuana is like finding a unicorn. It doesn't exist."

He must have just forgotten about this guy. The quadriplegic that died in jail on a simple marijuana possession. Holy shit, I found a unicorn!
Quadriplegic Man Dies in Jail for First Time Marijuana Charge | Clipmarks

On a side not, Obama has openly said he will end raids on medical marijuana facilities while McCain fully supports the war on drugs.


Well-Known Member
Wow that judge is a ignorant jackass , Obviously he thinks being a paraplegic for over twenty years is no big thing.


Well-Known Member
Wow that judge is a ignorant jackass , Obviously he thinks being a paraplegic for over twenty years is no big thing.
I find it even more upsetting that our Drug Czar can tell a bold face lie without so much as a slap on the wrist. But as they say, shit rolls down hill.