F’ing PM.

Well I had to look this up because It contradicted much of what I had read but it also depends on the strain of bacteria.
So when it comes to botrytis... it attacks crops and fruit easily being at a very low ph of even 2 and 3.
Other bacteria will not live in that low of environments but I only really care about the bacteria that will harm my plants.
I think botrytis can attack tho no matter what you do so I guess it really doesn't matter hahah
Oh sorry by mold I meant powdery mildew. In my neck of the woods no amount of spraying anything will prevent botrytis. Only thing that works is selecting early finishing strains that naturally have mold resistance. A greenhouse with heat and dehueys would be nice as well.
Oh sorry by mold I meant powdery mildew. In my neck of the woods no amount of spraying anything will prevent botrytis. Only thing that works is selecting early finishing strains that naturally have mold resistance. A greenhouse with heat and dehueys would be nice as well.
For real... alls you can do is PRAY ;)
what's the verdict? Lol I've tried baking soda mix and also a milk mix , spot spraying as I see them trying not to get any milk on the buds, the milk spray does leave a residue, is that fine? I'm not 100% sure what is the better mix but overall it's been getting worse.