Finish a sick plant, or harvest early


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I have a few plants that are starting to show a deficiency. Hypothetical - if the deficiency cant be corrected, should a grower let the plant go as far as it can then harvest? Or harvest before things get real bad?

I've never had a plant die on me at this stage, so im curious what the downfall would be of letting them go as far as they can. Im maybe 20-30 days from harvest currently, buds are nice but they will put on more weight.



Well-Known Member
It will finish it's not common for a plant to just die. Even when the leaves are just ruined the plant still hangs on and finishes. Don't kill it, yes the damaged plants are more prone to problems and can spread those problems to healthy plants but honestly that hasn't ever happened to me.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, i've dealt with PH problems in the past but never nutes. At least not to this extent, plants are looking pretty rough. My fault though. Will the plant finishing in rough condition effect the smoke at all taste and potency wise?


Well-Known Member
Not in my experience the smoke comes out pretty good if she makes it through.. If she stalls out, dies, then the smoke will be a little rough


Well-Known Member
Indoor. And a host of deficiencies. Im running fox farm trio nutrients, but have only had 2 of the 3 bottles for the last part of this grow. Ran out, and nowhere nearby sells FF. I should have amazon'd earlier, but I thought they'd finish ok. We will wait and see!


Well-Known Member
how fast did all the symptoms come on? Like bam bam bam or slowly? Root rot can cause symptoms similar to a lot of other issues. Checked your roots at all?


Well-Known Member
cant post pics, sorry. and yea, the symptoms came on quick - probably over a weeks time or so. Seems to be starting top down, fan leaves dying.

Rusting up, eventually covering the entire leaf. Curling down and dying.