Finished before I start?


Building a room in an attic. Just went to clean up a little and there are black carpenter ants all over. The temp was already 80 and dont even have any lights set up yet. no door on the room yet but turned on the fans and humidity dropped a little down to about 47% but temp is the same i"ll check again later. i have 4 6-in 250cfm inline fans going (2-intake and 2-exhaust) one set for the 400w hps. Where am I at?


bud bootlegger
i wouldn't worry so much about the ants, you can always get rid of them without too many problems imo..

the thing i'd be more concerned about though is the high temps.. it's only may, just, and temps are only going to get higher as the summer comes on more and more.. if you're not able to get those temps under control, i'd think about finding a new spot to grow in honestly as heat and growing don't go well together imo..
a basement would be a much better spot to grow, not saying that that is an option for you, just stating facts is all..


once i seal the room im hoping to keep the temp under control as i should have enough fresh iair moving and plan on having the lights on during the night and off during the hottest part of the day. I thought i would have a humidity problem. I got White Widows on the way and am so ready to grow. My old lady ain't completly sold on this idea yet or i would do it in the house.


New Member
Many people have problems with attic growns, try to reconsider locations, you will definitely need an AC at the least (and a very good one not a kiddie sub 500$ one)..I have considered it before in many-o-attics...glad I never attempted it before. I actually don't think I have ever seen a good attic grow ever posted on any forums. If you are down south then you will have very serious problems. I don't even consider it in Michigan.


I built the room out of 1-inch insulated foam board, i was thinking more about winter time. the temp inside is the same as it is outside maybe 1 or 2 degrees warmer. i'm determined to make it work.


Well-Known Member
If you had an AC and a cool tube then you could probably make it work. Gonna cost a bit more to run obviously, at least in the summer, but it'll most likely still be well worth it. Set your lights to run at night, that usually helps a little.


I am gonna run a cool tube (6-in with 250 cfm fan) gonna try to keep temp under 85. Might run my intake to some cooler air. Where the fuck did the ants come from.


I appreciate any help. I know its not something u can just discuss freely. I have had a grow going before and someone tried to steal em so i don't talk about it. I know a couple people that have grows but don't want to talk to them.

I have a room underneath the grow that is about 10-15 degrees cooler i'm gonna vent in my air from there and see if it helps