Finished building PC grow box + starting to build cabinet grow


Totally agree with Lilroach. I thought that a PC grow would do it for me, but I'm quickly finding out that it's too small. They're great for starting the plants and veging for a bit, but a bigger stealth box is best. That's my project this weekend.

That cabinet that Tillinah looks like it's a nice size. I can't wait to see the finish product.
Sounds like we're in the same boat!

Would love to see what you're working on, do you have a journal or anything up?


So I just finished painting the inside of the cabinet a flat white with Kilz Latex primer! Putting the weather stripping to seal it up tonight, and hopefully I'll be getting the light situation figured out soon.

My first seed (Female Seeds, C99) I started has hatched!

She is just relaxing in the PC for now until I finish the cabinet. I have another C99 seed that germinated still under the soil, and I have a Sleestack x SK1 still in the shot glass. The two c99 I germinated in paper towels which seems to be faster then the shot glass method.



So my first C99 that hatched on 6/11 is now showing signs of sex at 7/10 and she is a female ;) She's probably only around 8-9inches tall and I just noticed her today. I think it's about time to take her out of the red cup?


Second C99 that hatched probably around 6/15 is also showing signs of being a female. I guess they both wanted to reveal themselves at the same time? She is a bit smaller, but she is also younger then the first. I should probably transplant her as well?

Sorry for the somewhat blurry pics. Here is the third plant which is only maybe a day or 2 younger than the above plant. Can't remember the strain but it was one of the free seeds.
No sign of sex yet.
And here is what they look like in the pc case as of now. All are 12/12 from seed.

My 250w HPS light should be coming in this week so I'll be putting that in the cabinet I've been working on and hopefully get the two C99's in. I didn't expect them to start showing sex so early :\


So the two c99 are a little over a week into flower. The other free seed just starting showing signs and it is a female, so 3/3 of my seeds came out female!
Finished the cabinet and got my 250 watt hps inside. Trying out vertical for now, temps with the air and fans are in the low 80's but they tend to fluctuate depending on how I position the doors in the closet.
I'm not sure if I should try the light without the cooltube? I know it would save space but I'm not sure if it would get much hotter? I'm planning on make some more exhaust holes at the top and putting some pc fans in them. The tube itself is warm but won't burn if it's touched.
Here are some pictures of the current setup and plants.

Some of the leaves are clawing, I'm thinking it was from when the temp went up? For their most recent watering I've started them on not even 1/4 strength of FF Open Sesame. I plan on getting the other two from fox farms once they start budding more.
Any suggestions for cooling/positioning or clawing?


Well-Known Member
Looks more like to much nitrogen. There should be nutes in the soil you have them in. You shouldn't need to feed for a couple weeks