Finishing Outdoor Plants Indoors - what do I need for lights for 18 plants?

Sam 2

Hi - I'm a newbie to this. This is only my second grow and the first last year was entirely outdoors with plants started from bag seed. They grew and flowered awesome, however the THC content was very disappointing. So this year we decided to try two mixed indica/sativa strains, White Russian and Bubblegum. So far they are doing great outdoors growing in large pails but we will need to finish them indoors as we start to have frosts here in early September and they won't be ready until mid-October. My question is, what will I need for lights for eighteen plants? I'm on a budget of course and also live in a fairly remote area so I need something I can access easily and quickly here or online. The space we will have them in is about 15'x10' approx. I appreciate any advice you can offer. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
How big are they?

Way I do it is to get some graph paper and draw the area you are working with. 600 watt bulbs cover about 4x4, 1000 watts about 5x5. If the plants are going to be tall, you can try standing the bulb and putting plants in a circle around it (generally with a cage around the light)

The picture really helps, because it lets you not only plan out the light, but also where the plants will sit and where your walkways are going to be. Don't forget walkways! You have to have a way to get to the plants. Also, keep in mind that plants grow towards the light, not straight up and down.

Sam 2

Tibberous, thanks for the idea with the drawing. I will do up a diagram and see what I come up with. Thank you Cacamel for your input as well. It's really helpful. Like I said I didn't have a clue.

The plants are presently about 4 to 4 1/2 feet tall but they are each in a bucket that is about 16 inches tall so the total height is between 5 and 6 feet including the bucket. They are fairly big around as well, ranging from about 2 1/2 feet to three feet across.

What type of light is best for plants that are used to being outdoors? Is there a specific light spectrum or bulb type, or anything in particular to look for or avoid? And also, what kind of a light cycle should I go with once I move them in? They should be a couple of weeks into flower by that time.

Sorry if these are dumb questions but I know nothing about indoor growing. I'm going to spend the next while looking around the other posts so I don't waste everybody's time asking questions that have already been answered.

I appreciate your help and am open to any and all suggestions. It's great to have a community of people with all this knowledge to draw on.


Active Member
I would go with high pressure sodium lights. gonna need a lot of it from the plants you describe. and i would go 12/12. hope this helps. good luck