finishing up method


Well-Known Member
this is the way a man i know finished up his herb.

remove most of the leaves two days before harvest, placed the plant in in a dark, cool room for remainder of time. dont water for those two days (be sure to flush plant for one to two weeks befor harvest time). then cut off the buds and manicure, dry, and cure as you normally would.

this guy i know does this and his shit taste sooo good and smooooth. i dont know if there is any science to back this method up but from what ive smoked i think ill use this method for my upcomeing harvest. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it would work to me the only thing you are doing differently is cutting the leaves off prior to harvest and leaving in the dark for several days correct? If you are going to dry and cure as per normal then I don't see what's the harm in doing it this way. Let us know how it turns out :)