No clue who brave Dave is, I'm just saying bunch of 30-40 year olds poking fun at a clueless 18 year old on the internet is not unusual.
I personally have better ways to spend my time, but I know there are plenty of bored people on the internet, fine.
But doxing the guy and harassing his family members and friends that's a whole different level, and I think it shouldn't be allowed.
If you have daughters or sisters how would it (I'm obviously brave dave)make you feel if some weirdo posted on the internet pictures of them covered with spunk?
Maybe there's some history with the guy that I'm not aware of, but even so.
But yeah, I can see I'm stirring the hornets' nest here, so I'm not going to say anything anymore.
There's an old saying where I come from:
Alle fuglar er ikkje haukar, somme er berre gaukar.