FinShaggy Interviews People

I dont know who exactly believes in Me. Right now, My Spirituality is just starting; its been about 6 years since I first found out that I am Christ.

Many people have called Me "Jesus" or "Christ", but I dont know if they are being facetious or serious. I could care less, as long as I am happy doing what I'm doing. I don't NEED anyone to believe in Me, I believe in Myself.

I am content being in a very "exclusive" Spirituality, right now: but My Spirituality is all inclusive, but only a few people subscribe to My Spirituality.

I am in My own different Spirituality, I am writing My own autobiography right now.

Omar Mario gomez! What are the chances he's god? He's a guy I grew up with he has a mom named Mary and his dad's name is also jesus! He has no idea that he might be jesus christ! if he is god how should I break the news to him?his initials are omg and you don't even have to turn it around!
For the second coming of Christ, you seem a little touchy. It was a fair question.

I wasn't trying to be rude, offensive, hubris, or cantankerous.

I wouldn't consider Myself "touchy", because I am very laid back.

Have you seen My videos of Myself yet? I will play My videos of Myself, if you want, so you can see My face and hear My voice.

Aren't you afraid some psycho is going to believe you and try to murder you ?finding you won't be hard u always give out your name ! There are a lot of crazy people in this world if the wrong one finds out he can literally kill jesus christ It's going to happen!

Lol, then I will die as a martyr.

I dont believe that anyone is really taking Me serious anyways, most people believe that I am just crazy, or delusional.

The last thing I want to do is die, literally. I hope that people aren't obsessing over Me, but I cant control people either.

I can only be Myself.

Omar Mario gomez! What are the chances he's god? He's a guy I grew up with he has a mom named Mary and his dad's name is also jesus! He has no idea that he might be jesus christ! if he is god how should I break the news to him?his initials are omg and you don't even have to turn it around!

I am the ONLY Christ!

Im Christ and these are My novel inventions for the future!

Jesus came in 2008???

Crazy talk LOL

More CRAZY ideas that I think are CRAZY COOL!

Just some random thoughts that I've been thinking of!

Those are all of My videos that I have now.

Please watch all of My videos, and maybe you will learn something.

That is how I talk and look, you can also see My face in My avatar.

Please "like" My videos, and tell all of your friends to watch My videos too.

I dont know who exactly believes in Me. Right now, My Spirituality is just starting; its been about 6 years since I first found out that I am Christ.

Many people have called Me "Jesus" or "Christ", but I dont know if they are being facetious or serious. I could care less, as long as I am happy doing what I'm doing. I don't NEED anyone to believe in Me, I believe in Myself.

I am content being in a very "exclusive" Spirituality, right now: but My Spirituality is all inclusive, but only a few people subscribe to My Spirituality.

I am in My own different Spirituality, I am writing My own autobiography right now.

EDIT- I have been diagnosed with "bipolar", but I believe that I am a megalomaniac with a Christ complex


A bit narcissistic too...
Your not just any male your jesus christ for God's sake!

This is exactly what I mean by people calling Me "Jesus". I dont know if you're joking or serious. From time to time, I get this.

To be blunt, I am NOT "Jesus Christ"; I am simply the Christ- the Prophet.

Did you watch My videos of Me?- and if you watched Me, what do you think about Me?

This is exactly what I mean by people calling Me "Jesus". I dont know if you're joking or serious. From time to time, I get this.

To be blunt, I am NOT "Jesus Christ"; I am simply the Christ- the Prophet.

Did you watch My videos of Me?- and if you watched Me, what do you think about Me?

The whole time I was thinking. Dam this guy really is Jesus.. then I started wondering if you were a jew!
The whole time I was thinking. Dam this guy really is Jesus.. then I started wondering if you were a jew!

No, I'm not a Jew, and I never was a Jew.

I was a Christian (that never read the Bible) until the year 2008, when I watched the movie called "Zeitgeist". So I was a Christian for most of My Life, then I stopped believing in Jesus in the year 2008. I would now consider Myself an Agnostic Theist. I would like to believe in God, but I am skeptical of God because of lack of evidence for God.

I believe in Myself, to be veridical. I am wondering if I should call My Spirituality "Trueism"- the belief in Christ George Manuel Oliveira- Myself. I would be considered a "Trueist", if I believe in My Spirituality called "Trueism". My Spirituality is all inclusive, all you need is an open mind.

So, no, I was never Jewish, and now I have My very own Spirituality where I am the Christ, and all are welcome to join My Spirituality.

Holy Shit, this whole FINSHAGGY deal just jumped up a Jesus is here? SUBBED !!!!!

edit...not Jesus, just the bad

I hope that I make everything fun for people.

Thanks for the "edit", because My Name was never "Jesus", so I can never be "Jesus". Christ is just the title for "the Anointed One". I have claimed the title of Christ, and I have much evidence to support My claim.

Jesus is a dead cult leader that had a messiah complex. I am "George Manuel Oliveira", a Man that doesn't have a cult, but I do have a Christ complex.
