FinShaggy's El Gato Videos

Sorry for your loss.and also your new employers.. Now about your 20 videos a day....that is just way too much to keep up some point you have to think-am I living my life, or just acting?

Just because I live my life in an open source fashion, doesn't mean I am in any way pretending to be something I am not. This is me. Deal with it.
Have you seen how long his average video is? 20 videos would add up to like 2 or 3 minutes tops.

Not anymore. That's when all my videos were made my Iphone. I now have a webcam (so unlimited recording capability, using YouTube there is no memory limit and my account has by passed the 15 minute limit), I now have an el gato (so I will be recording hours upon hours of gameplay and submitting 10 minutes segments), and I hope to get a new video camera soon that is compatible with modern computers. So videos are getting longer now.
LOL YEAH OKAY . you have abigger audience? please tell me your subb rate? ....
Well, the "Big shots" on the YouTube forums have about 500-1500 subscribers, with about 50,000-100,000 video views. I have 288 subscribers, and over 230,000 views. And I have only made 5 game videos.
Well, the "Big shots" on the YouTube forums have about 500-1500 subscribers, with about 50,000-100,000 video views. I have 288 subscribers, and over 230,000 views. And I have only made 5 game videos.

you have 288 subscribers tell me how you have abigger audience than the top gaming youtube channels.

totalbiscuit has :1,102,360

yeah...youre right up there fin.:roll:
a radnom video he has has over DotA 2 - Hyper-incompetent Single Draft Disaster - Wi… by TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit 289,390 views

so no youre wrong. but youll never admit it.
good luck
you have 288 subscribers tell me how you have abigger audience than the top gaming youtube channels.
I never said I was better than any top gamin channel, I said I had my foot in the door and a better start and chance than most gaming channels.
that insinuates you think youre better than them.
I am better off than them. They only have 1000 subscribers and like 50,000 views. I've seen people with like 700 subs and 200 views. I am definitely better off than them.
I think that's your problem (the way you frantically troll), and you need to take the reverse of your own advice (smoke less meth).

i really think thats whats wrong w would explain why u are always so dirty and greasy.......y your homeless.... y u talk like a crazy person......y u cant keep a job.......everything
I think I know what you're talking about, I ran into a bitch with full ebony armor, I thought it was an enemy, so I attacked. But she destroyed my dwarven mace (like it straight disappeared), then a just held up my shield and asked for surrender.

I think they patched it, because she can't be killed now (shot her with 200+ arrows to no affect) until you activate the quest. Used to you could jump on a pillar near the stairs and rain arrows or fireballs on her until she died without getting hit.

She probably did destroy your mace, she's lvl 50 and her sword has the highest base damage of any bladed weapon in the game.