FinShaggy's Hateclub II


Well-Known Member
just curious has finshaggy ever had a plant flower?
pics or it didn't happen
That's a hell of a question, I don't think so.. last video I saw was 3 plants in veg.. with the one in the back effectively dead by all counts, final rites-style.


Well-Known Member
He's been flowering for like 22 weeks now ..
Which is BS, as he was missing his only HPS for a while.. and at that, unless he's running dwarves.. 1 600W, as an example.. would have issues with more than 3ft height total.. not even factoring 3ft+ of veg, then flower on top of it.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

That was his last video posted. On march 21st. Been 10 days since last update.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
They are obviously his. Noone else could stunt a plant that bad. 7 1/2 weeks old when they were flipped.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Sorry, this is actually my last post on this thread: I think you are confused, but if YOU GUYS actually treated this like a grow thread, it wouldn't even be what it is. Ever since the beginning GreenHorn (a grow mod) has been trolling me. So I don't even see how I could have effected the outcome of this, except for to not reply to my own grow thread.

grow failed bigtime huh,. poor poor sprouts r.i.p. alkaloids

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The mod post said the thread was closed by your request.

You could post the video to your youtube... but you didn't.