fire departments doing random safety searchs!!!


Well-Known Member
relatives and friends within minutes from my house, have told me that the fire department is doing random safety seaches... i have seen them today on my moms street and both my parents and my neighbours (friends) have told me they have been in there homes... how can i refuse to let them in when they pop in randomly and get them to schedual a givin time??? any1??? one of these friends this has happend to,( a grower themselves) has a brother thats a cop and he says its legal for them to do this... so how can i go about this with out lookin like i got sumthin to hide... if they go in my basement theres no way they wont notice it so i need to know when they r comin so i can move shit and clean up... the grower friend this happened to told them to come bak cuz there was kids sleeping(caregiver) but if i use that excuse and my kid is here she will say," no there isnt... any other ideas??? thnx!!!


Well-Known Member
tell them that some other guys came by and said it was all safe
wont it be on a list??? and what if they want to recheck to make sure??? they came to my parents like a mnth or so ago but then went down tere street today and stopped at 2 houses.. i presume they missed them first time around


Well-Known Member
don't know exactly what those guys are checking for, it is unusual for firemen to do random checks like that in a residential neighborhood unless you live near a brush area during fire season which case they would be educating and looking at brush clearances around your house, or, they're handing out free smoke detectors

as a side note, i don't know about other states but in california, firefighters don't care what you do in your house, only concerned about your safety — i'm speaking from experience (having made countless inspections, at concerts, businesses, many stoned people & paraphernalia do you think we've seen? they're not your mommies like the police).

generally speaking, if a fireman enters a clean house it is considered to be safe, likewise, if the house is dirty it is considered not as safe and with hazards, so they would stick around longer in a dirty house looking at outlets, electrical cords, brush clearance, storage around water heaters & electric boxes. keep your house clean, don't store anything next to a water heater or electrical box (circuit box), clear dead dry brush away from your house

if you're in california and have a medical card you're not breaking state law

that said, firemen gossip more than anyone i know so keep that stuff out of sight & out of mind

— this has been a public service announcement :p


Well-Known Member
Fuck them they have no right to enter your home just say politely no thank you, you're not interested.

If they are doing it, it's as a public service and completely voluntary.

It' can't raise a red flag and there's no reason to run around cleaning and moving stuff just for them.

That's like saying you have to let the Jehova's Witnesses in otherwise it will look suspicious.

Post a no soliciting sign on your door and I bet they don't even ring your doorbell.


Well-Known Member
don't know exactly what those guys are checking for, it is unusual for firemen to do random checks like that in a residential neighborhood unless you live near a brush area during fire season which case they would be educating and looking at brush clearances around your house, or, they're handing out free smoke detectors

as a side note, i don't know about other states but in california, firefighters don't care what you do in your house, only concerned about your safety — i'm speaking from experience (having made countless inspections, at concerts, businesses, many stoned people & paraphernalia do you think we've seen? they're not your mommies like the police).

generally speaking, if a fireman enters a clean house it is considered to be safe, likewise, if the house is dirty it is considered not as safe and with hazards, so they would stick around longer in a dirty house looking at outlets, electrical cords, brush clearance, storage around water heaters & electric boxes. keep your house clean, don't store anything next to a water heater or electrical box (circuit box), clear dead dry brush away from your house

if you're in california and have a medical card you're not breaking state law

that said, firemen gossip more than anyone i know so keep that stuff out of sight & out of mind

— this has been a public service announcement :p
nah im in canada.. i guess they do it to make sure there isnt potential hazards with ur furnace, water heater, breaker box ect... and they make sure u have smoke detecters