relatives and friends within minutes from my house, have told me that the fire department is doing random safety seaches... i have seen them today on my moms street and both my parents and my neighbours (friends) have told me they have been in there homes... how can i refuse to let them in when they pop in randomly and get them to schedual a givin time??? any1??? one of these friends this has happend to,( a grower themselves) has a brother thats a cop and he says its legal for them to do this... so how can i go about this with out lookin like i got sumthin to hide... if they go in my basement theres no way they wont notice it so i need to know when they r comin so i can move shit and clean up... the grower friend this happened to told them to come bak cuz there was kids sleeping(caregiver) but if i use that excuse and my kid is here she will say," no there isnt... any other ideas??? thnx!!!