Fire in the hole! 15 Timewreck super soil pheno hunt


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah dude I didn't even know those were your apollos... no wonder they're growing everywhere :) In that case I was right -- that cutting is a 9-10 week flowerer, depending on how early you like to pull. It'll go the full 10 weeks for max yield without ambering much. One of those cuts went 9 weeks, the other 10 (but could've been taken at 9 would've just had less yield)


Well-Known Member
Crap. I thought Owl told me 8. Does it vary that much by phenotype? I don't think they'll make it that long as the yellowing is kicking in pretty good. I guess I'll hit it with more N and Magnesium then if it has that much longer to go. I don't have a scope to check trichs.

@Sincerely This current grow was only two weeks of veg after rooting. I'm not sure about the prior run, wasn't much veg. So that also has to count in on yield


Well-Known Member
they are nitrogen lovers they will yellow up quick if they aren't getting enough but that doesn't have much to do with whether they're about to be done or not unfortunately :) You can take it at 8 weeks, it'll just be pretty early in the window... that's how owl likes to take'm :) fully ripe with best yield would be 9-10. check ur pm owl and void


Well-Known Member
The good - from two different plants

The bad - is this spider mites? luckily these have never been near the flower chamber...


Well-Known Member
Fortunately I've never had spidermites. Pretty sure I have actual spiders in my cabs though. I know there are various other bugs in there. Little gnats and moths for sure.

I've been feeding with maxigrow 10-5-14 1 tsp per gallon about twice a week I think, still getting awful yellow.

It's Apollo 13bx from tga right?


Well-Known Member
TGA has added some new strains since I last looked. From descriptions there are still a number of strains I'd love to try. I already have more strains than I can handle any time soon though.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure it's mites.. my first time if so, though i know they are living all over in our back yard i've seen'em take on plants back there, so i'm sure that's where they came from. gonna pick up some azamax or something tomorrow and hit'em and hope they haven't gotten anywhere else

you got it on the apollo... from seed

View attachment 2598523


Well-Known Member
I hope you mean I got the right strain and that it was grown from seed, not that I got the mites on the apollo.

TGA link says that the apollo is 55-60 day strain, that's why I wondered if this was a more sativa dom pheno that had to go longer.

Since I still have plenty of rom to put me down, I was looking for antidepressant energy but hopefully not too trippy/noid so that I can get lots of work done.

What kind of camera do you have? Wish I could do better macro shots


Well-Known Member
60 days is week 9 :) They say strains take a bit longer under LED too might be why as well. And yeah I just meant you have the right strain and it came originally from seed, not a cut someone gave me. It's definitely not too noid or trippy, though the first few times you smoke it til you used to it it may set you on your ass :) Then again, I only grew it out < 2 months from seed it's possibly stronger now that it's had a lot more time to mature in veg.


Well-Known Member
Ah I'm thinking run it full 8 weeks. I'm thinking you're saying to chop it beginning of week 9. If that it's the case we're talking about the same thing


Well-Known Member
I think yesterday's the first day I didn't post any pics at all in a while :) Not much new to report... I azamaxed all the seedlings.. gonna put de on the soil maybe too... they need to be watered today but they're all looking good albeit a little stretchy due to being under a couple of 32w CFLs and whatever light from the window they get (it's been raining/overcast last couple days). I'm probably gonna get the 600w set up tonight. just wish I had an extra LED to stick'em under the 600w is kind of overkill :)

Flower girls looking awesome... older girls buds are starting to get a little meat in'em and fill out a bit more they're a bit behind where I usually like to see'em at this point in flower but I did some week 1 tie downs and that is supposed to slow things down a bit. They're doing good progress now though so think they may catch up I'm curious to see how they are around the end of week 3. The last ones into flower should be budding up over the rest of the week I'm sure... well except for the runt she just went into flower a couple nights ago. She won't be a runt for long though... those CSJs are badass they did a quick stretch and are just putting out node after node of buds they're definitely gonna make some nice colas.


Well-Known Member

Apparently i gotta type something - day 5

I'm gonna be sampling timewreck trimmings this weekend... oh boy!! I love early samples :)


Well-Known Member
I just like taking pictures :) especially when they're all perty

This is the first girl to make it through to another run. Her cuts have taken and she is definitely worth exploring... the side branching buds are f'ing incredible.. big stretcher though so if the high's not there she won't be going on very far...

Some bud shots from my big n' meaty 6 gallon timewreck (not pictured whole plant)

My more squat timewreck that hasn't stretched too much

ChernoJill - the one that's farthest into budding - great for LED - small sativa leaves for great penetration :)


Well-Known Member
I'm not running ANY odor control at the moment, and I can't smell anything at all... when I am up close to the chocolate chunkey monkeys and chernojills I can smell the skunk in them... chernojill's straight up skunky. CCMs are a musky dark chocolate sweet skunky. I can't smell any of'em unless my face is within a few feet though. The timewrecks give off no smell I can detect by smelling the flowers... doing a stem rub smells like lime mixed with fresh new clear rubbery plastic (not that heavy rubbery smell but light). They all smell good to me but definitely not floral or aromas to die for like ace. Very happy with the low odor profile, but that may change later in flower... from what i hear this is normal for the timewrecks but the skunk in those other two worries me for late flower :)

But yeah, there's about to be a shitload of dank, frosty colas up in this bitch, that's for sure :) Those CCMs are looking nice too very compact and not much stretch the one I have that is farthest into flower looks like she is going to be solid cola almost every entire branch. Just node after node from botttom to top and all close enough to make probably about a dozen footlong colas :) I hope I end up getting a cutting off that one she's the most vigorous of the CCMs and looks the nicest so far into flower as well, but the others are behind her.