Gotta do what u gotta bro. @life.
And I've also found that keeping the girls LSTd till about the end of week 5 in flower also helps with the stretch!
That, keeping the lights right on top, and you forgot super cropping! Each time you bend, auxin flow goes from upward and in, to down and out, so it supposed to push for solid branches and squat plants!
and I could only imagine how much damn work it is moving the crop around bro.
i can't be arsed sometime with moving just a few plants around lol, I make myself do it anomie times!
been watched subcool and this man basically throws his plants around
! And 6 harvest in year, hell yeah!
ps, lollipopping hurts the yield it seems, don't you thinks?
i removed maybe 4 fans a long time ago, from what's now the smallest plant in my garden.
i feel like it cut its production potential went I cut those fan leaves.
i went on like a reading binge a while back in regards to chopping or keeping leaves for future reference, and decided to never remove leaves again afterwards..looking closely at things, its like you can see where the leaves would have been and how much growth I didn't get since they're gone ya know