Fire in the hole! 15 Timewreck super soil pheno hunt


Well-Known Member
Nah it only has an adjustment up to super lumens setting which i haven't been using... my old 400w that disappeared in my move was dimmable :(

So just spent all night transplanting and setting up the new seedling/clone closet. Liking the light it's gonna be so much better for those guys. The 4 in the top center are the timewreck cuttings. Middle center two are identical timewreck cuts that are going to go in original vs modified super soil test. I think I have another of the same cut and that one is going to go supersoil HPS. Still have 15 more in the flower room working on getting back to normal veg growth... those will have to wait til the LEDs arrive to get transplanted and then all the ones going into next flower will go into the new veg area and the moms (extras) will stay in the clone chamber. Aces are stunted from the HPS + small pots I expect them to come back quick though now.


Flower girls doing great... the two big nighttime timewrecks have decided to put on a layer of frost that makes that daytime one I been pimping pics of look like a little unfrosty bitch :) I don't remember which one this is it's not from tonight... the ones I saw tonight look frostier than this!!



Well-Known Member
The aces are a little stunted so I don't want to put light too close til they recover a little. It's about 3' up. Also wanted to make sure it would cover all of'em. The cuts are a bit stressed too but not near as bad... a couple of them were rootbound. They're all gonna be much happier in those pots and light. I expect'em to get real happy pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
This is the same one I've taken quite a few pics of previously :) She's filling out nicely!! This should be around day 30 or 31


Here's one of the smartpot timewrecks I watered earlier... they are pretty happy but not near as pretty as my airpot babies


Active Member
Looking great, RB. I can't believe how much work you do rotating those mothers. Props. :clap:

I'm about to flip my chicks this weekend. How much did your TWs stretch those first few 12/12 weeks?


Well-Known Member
The good news is, if they're in a big pot, they should not stretch much. About 50% in a big pot.

Bad news is, if pot is small, they are going to stretch like mofos :) 100%+ 2.4gal stretched the most, 3.4 next most, 5 gallons and up a very respectable amount.

I am hoping that the stretch is more pot size than pheno related and next run on those tall girls in big pots will be shorter.

The typical stuff seems to help too (keeping the lights close, no co2, close temps from day to night).

Moving them every day is slowly grinding me into the ground :) That and sleep deprivation... I came home today from work at 4, went to sleep, woke up at 6:25, moved the plants, went back to sleep til after 11pm. Thank god tomorrow's friday and saturday's 4/20 :) I really think the moving them's good for them though when i'm walking around those stalks are getting a good shake like a real strong wind good for the stems :)

Looks like I won't be moving to CA til next year... landlord won't let me extend the lease short term without coming next month to check it out to prepare to rerent... that's the last thing I want... it's pretty much either cut the harvest down early and move somewhere else and stay in tx for another year anyway just in another house, or stay here another year, keep the grow going and take it down end of next april when I give notice to move. I'll get 6 harvests in between now and then basically so I guess that's what I'm going to do... can't really think of a way around it.


New Member
Gotta do what u gotta bro. @life.
And I've also found that keeping the girls LSTd till about the end of week 5 in flower also helps with the stretch!
That, keeping the lights right on top, and you forgot super cropping! Each time you bend, auxin flow goes from upward and in, to down and out, so it supposed to push for solid branches and squat plants!

and I could only imagine how much damn work it is moving the crop around bro.
i can't be arsed sometime with moving just a few plants around lol, I make myself do it anomie times!
been watched subcool and this man basically throws his plants around :o! And 6 harvest in year, hell yeah!

ps, lollipopping hurts the yield it seems, don't you thinks?
i removed maybe 4 fans a long time ago, from what's now the smallest plant in my garden.
i feel like it cut its production potential went I cut those fan leaves.
i went on like a reading binge a while back in regards to chopping or keeping leaves for future reference, and decided to never remove leaves again afterwards..looking closely at things, its like you can see where the leaves would have been and how much growth I didn't get since they're gone ya know :leaf:


Well-Known Member
lollipopping is supposed to at least keep your yields even if not increase them... but with plants your size I think you couldn't do lollipopping... too small plants = not enough leaves already :) can't afford to lose them at that size. My smallest plant that is < 1 foot tall i'm not going to trim at all unless the leaves are dieing there's just no point... with lollipopping you're supposed to be trimming the stuff below the useable light/penetration... with small plans, the whole plant is in that zone :)

Out of co2 already (6 days :( ) -- hope the new room will help that maybe we'll see. I'm guessing the a/c running too much may be pushing the air out.... or the plants are really just using it up

Seedlings and cuttings loving that new light!! All the seedlings look happy now... not as green as I like to see them but Ace is a naturally lighter green plant. I'll work'em :) Cuttings are all happy too everyone that's been transplanted and under that light looks real happy... solos under that light almost as happy :)


Well-Known Member
Stretch is way more genetic than pot size, I dont think pot size has anything to do with it honestly... A MH or blue colored light spectrum in the first 2-4 weeks will help more than anything... Most times I find my plants dont really stretch to much but I always run more indica dominant strains and have until recently ran MH (7500k bulb) until this current run where I just ran HPS from the start of 12/12, and they stretched quite a bit, way more than I wanted them to anyhow... But strains and phenos that lean more sativa-ish will double and triple in size, indicas and indica doms always stretch less and as I said; a bluer light for the first couple weeks will help quite a bit...


New Member
Personally, I think the stretch is more environmental than genetic or pot size, but that's just my opinion lol.
Control the node spacing from the start and the stretch should be minimal!
Def. don't think it's genetics tho...reason being, different phenos from the same plants grow differently.


Well-Known Member
I think it's both... and what most convinces me on this batch was that I had a bunch go in in different sizes and the stretch was correlated with pot size... small to large pots = large to small stretch in this sample. i'll find out next time for sure when i flower out the cuts as the small potted ones will be in big pots that round. Also, I put the biggest plants in the biggest pots, so it also means the smallest plants to start with stretched the most in those small pots. The explanation that if a plant wants to focus on root development but will focus on top growth if there's not room sounds about right to me.

I finally hit an underwatered plant today in one of the 3 gallons... woke up and the fan leaves in the bottom 3rd were wilted :( hoping since they were still green and not dry they'll be good. Guessing this one has run out of root space too I only usually see this kind of wilting in that scenario... the plant was only watered 2 or 3 days ago. The 2 and 3 gallon plants are going to be up to daily waterings in the next week or two I'm sure they're pretty much down to every other day now. I think in this case I went over and waited a day too long... but a week ago it wouldn't have wilted in that time... anyway will find out soon

Shit the clone of CSJ I have going looks like it's ready to flower already (I mean I bet I could put it into flower now and it'd come out pretty good in the pot it's in... if I had any space I'd be half tempted... it's already time to start LSTing the cuts. Gonna be busy monday night.


Well-Known Member
Maybe that plastic Judd doesn't hold gas in well enough, that or your exhausting too much.

Two of my chilies wilted bad in the cold front. Had to bring them in, hope they recover.

Different phenos are because of different gene combinations. It's like the difference between siblings.

But then there's possibility of difference between two clones off the same mother. Put them in different environments and they can express those genes differently.


Well-Known Member
When you settle in a permanent home you should build a room like this if you want to use co2. I mean as far as sealed and cooled


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on 4 every 4 weeks :) That's really the minimum I need. I've got a plan to get there, but gonna check that thread out to see what kinda insights I might get :)