First 2 qwiso batches! please tell me what you think how it looks!


Active Member
Dang.... This stuff seems confusing to purge... I tried boiling a cup of water and putting a tiny glass tray(soy sauce thingy) on the water with the parchment paper with the qwiso in it for like 30 sec 4 times. It didn't bubble at all, but it did get more liquid and got more solid when I spred it out more... But it almost seemed impossible to get that off the parchment paper though lol... what is the process I'm trying to do here?? And it taste ok. Idk why, but when I took a hit, I get a slight feeling a having to sneeze..??? It doesn't smell like alcohol at all though. It smells sweet almost. I just wanna dab safely:((


Active Member
Heres my third batch.first pic is my first run second pic is my second run of the batch. First run had some white shards in it when I scraped it up, as did the second one but the first one had more white in it. The texture isn't as goey and reminds me a lot like caremel lol:p Not sure why but the second run is harder and sounds hollow when i break it apart. The texture almost feels like a soft hash. Got .8 on the second Run. And 1.3 on the first. Check out the pics. Really look at the detail to see what I mean. I think the alcohol is gone though! Tell me what you think!



Well-Known Member
Looks even better man. I'm guessing the "white" was just the dried powdery oils, mine looks that way sometimes when I first scrape it. Did you try freezing the material for this batch?


Active Member
Here's my next batch. I used a bunch of bud from my first harvest I also used an ounce of shake I bought at a dispensary(was $20 and smelled pretty ) anyway, here's a picture of my first run. I am boiling water and putting it in the aluminum dish you see. I filtered it 3 times and I don't have one speck of plant matter in it. It looks really golden (almost like Pee) but appeared dark before filtered to my liking. Check it out! also, what should I do after the visible Iso is evaporated? I was watching some videos and some peoples oil had small bubbles in it and was shatter. How do I get it to that level? Do I have to just let it evaporate all the way out, and then put it in the freezer? Or do I have to evaporate it again after Freezing it? the reason I'm asking is because I enjoy that consistency much more for dabs:p



Well-Known Member
Try to keep it as thin a film of oil possible when evapping, that's really the only way to get a good purge, you should do it as low of temps as possible. Honestly I doubt it will be shatter but maybe, it looks really green. Did you freeze everything beforehand and remove all plant matter from your iso before 30 sec? Or sooner..... if so you should have shatter.....I don't like to use heat to evap. Thin film is a must! Yup.............


Active Member
here's the batches. The first one is pretty much the same color as before. Second one looks nice and yellow as well. the first one LOOKS pretty much dry, but when I touch it it sticks to my finger. Second one is still wet. How long do I have to keep heating it? It smells sweet right now. I Just dont wanna over do it....I've heard it was supposed to turn out sticky, and also heard its supposed to be solid? I feel like I can't evaporate the iso any more by heating it. Actually, won't it be sticky since I'm heating it with hot water? Help me out...



Active Member
Green?? I don't see any green at all... And I froze everything over night and shook for only 10 sec for each.... Idk what I did wrong...


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to offend my friend...but it is very dark, the liquid itself appears yellow green with what appears to be the cannabinoids collecting in the middle as a brown mass.. when the cannabinoids are falling out the mass should be white. Mine isn't gold or anything, pure white. When the liquid starts to lessen and its just hash it will darken to gold or red.. yours is brown and when collected and balled will be an opaque black ball...

I'll try and put up some pics tomorrow..but basically use no heat and extract in pitch darkness..keep temps under 70 and filter with doubled up coffee filters at least.....honestly I don't believe that's a 10 second wash. Again not trying to offend lol. But that resembles a minute wash. And use a strong fan blowing over to evap...also try to get some more surface area, you want as thin a layer as you can get to evap quickly and purge effectively. Gives you a better product as well......also try to use slightly premature bud


Well-Known Member
alright so first off.....this is a minute long wash i did maybe day before yesterday..relatively small run yielded 2-3grams. this wan an early harvest sativa i didnt have the patience to let finish. it was taken at 18 weeks and could have easily gone 25..this particular lady pumps out red waxes and gives a very red product.

dries to a white powder..scooped up a bit on my blade
after cleaning my thumb lol..i take another razorblade and apply pressure and warmth from my hand to melt it together and remove the "grain boundry"
i now have a dark red tootsie roll after folding a few times in on itself
place on a bowl and smoke(i fill the bowl up the rest of the way with weed)
this is the collected iso hash..not winterized and only filtered through cofee filter. without heated evap
exact same red hash oil but separated in the run and used a heated evap(roughly 120-140 degrees) and didnt filter very good....(similar to how you do yours)

this is a diferent run i did.. put up to show the end product of another relatively long wash (not using my red lady)....

Decided to make it my avatar....what a general qwiso should look like after evap

enjoy.....first pics ive put up in months......note this is not a super pristine extract


Well-Known Member
It wasn't supposed to be the prettiest hash in the world. I was just giving him somethin to compare too..and showing the drastic changes a heated evap will cause....if you notice, none of the pics look like sludge. It dries to that powder, or glass (though my red lady likes to wax up). Their should be no question if that is purged or not.....


Active Member
ive found that when i use heat, i never really end up with a great final product. My last few washed ive let it air dry completely on its own and i always end up with a nice shatter.

sometimes things will look done, but part of it will be and part will leave a fingerprint behind when i tough it. to me this means it isnt done yet, then i leave it to dry another night.

right now to improve my process i think i need to work with larger surface area. im thinking it will purge/evap faster