First 25x-NBOMe Death


Well-Known Member
I can't believe the fucking kids didn't look up what it was. And the fucking guy who misrepresented it deserves to die. Handing out powders that are dosed in fucking micrograms as something doses in the tens of milligrams.


New Member
If he gets a good enough lawyer he could easily get out of the murder charge.
He doesn't deserve it though.

A good lawyer could argue that he wouldn't have died if he wasn't banging his head against shit.


Well-Known Member
Grrr... This is why I'm not a fan of most drugs. Kids like to push there limits and some substances are just not good for that. You can eat acid for day, completely flip your lid, even change yourself forever and still not die (unless you play in traffic, or something else stupid). As long as the fairly safe ones are illegal the youth are doomed to some overseas chemistry project.

If the mushrooms were feeling good, go ahead eat some more. We used to eat so much acid I couldn't make a profit at a dollar a hit. We once played drinking games for 3 years and no one died.

I admit I have a curiosity for some of the newer psychedelics but when dealing with possibly deadly effects by just doing a little to much, it just sounds dumb. I may sound like a wuss to the well educated psychonaut but I don't want my children anywhere near most of the Rc's. I started a thread once, called good drugs and bad drugs, I mostly got bashed for it then the thread died. Oh well. I just think there need to be lots of open discussion on the particular dangers of any substance. Its sad losing people, especially fellow trippers that had no clue how ignorant they were being.


Well-Known Member
I am guessing they took the equivalent of 40-50 doses based on the fact they thought it was psilocin/psilocybin and the relative potency of the drugs. There's not many drugs you can do that with and live. The fact that all of the kids didn't die indicates that 25i-NBOMe has a pretty big safety margin. That's like taking 4-5mg of LSD, yeah the drug isn't going to kill you but even experienced trippers need experienced company to keep them from getting into serious trouble on doses like that.
Always make sure you know what you're taking and what it does.


Well-Known Member
He probably gave himself a heart attack. I overdosed on that exact same stuff because I smoked synthetic while on it, it was my own fault.. But death was close that time aha lemme tell ya

Then one time I had a bag of 25c nBOME, and I wasnt sure how much was left, so I irresponsibly stuck my tongue into the bag just too see what would happen.. Easily 4-6mg. a 'high' dose of that was 800mcg. I had the trip of my life though, I cried in front of a bunch of pretty ladies.. Oh yay.. Tears of joy of course, there was no point where I thought I was going to die


Well-Known Member
It says it's also known as 2c-I... that's not correct right? Because I've done both and 2c-i was different. was a larger dose than 25i


Well-Known Member
Lol scored? You can order 100 tabs offline for 250 dollars :p no offense though sorry

and yeah they are different see because Im pretty sure 2c-i is also known as 2c-i-nBOME, which would be different than 25i-nBOME. I was also under the impression 2c-c and 25c nBOME were the same thing. But yeah no really they are just stupid, some news sites tried to say the man biting peoples faces off was on LSD.


Well-Known Member
lol 'bad lsd'

If I were to have a psychotic episode on a lot of LSD I could MAYBE see it happening haha


oh em gee drugs are bad you hippies need to stop tripping and eating people, but arent 2cs like all illegal now i was tryin to order some more 2ce and cant get that shit anywhere i miss that stuff (not asking for sources lol)


Well-Known Member
i took 2c-i a couple times and that shit is craaaazy. didnt know it could kill you
It's not even the same drug ffs... structurally similar, yes. Try snorting 15mg of 25i-NBOME though and you'll notice quite a difference between the two ;).


Well-Known Member
Lol scored? You can order 100 tabs offline for 250 dollars :p no offense though sorry

and yeah they are different see because Im pretty sure 2c-i is also known as 2c-i-nBOME, which would be different than 25i-nBOME. I was also under the impression 2c-c and 25c nBOME were the same thing. But yeah no really they are just stupid, some news sites tried to say the man biting peoples faces off was on LSD.
The NBOME's differ from the regular 2,5 Dimethoxy phenethylamine analogs in that they have a N-o-methoxybenzyl group attached to them to increase their potency exponentially (16X in 2c-i's case) when taken via insufflation or sublingually. They were originally used by David E. Nicolas and his team at Purdue University to map out the 5-HT2A receptors of the brain since 25I-NBOME has a K[SUB]i[/SUB] of 0.044 nM.


Well-Known Member
15mg of 2c-I-NBOMe up the nose is enough to risk death. While these drugs can kill you (many of the highly potent phenethylamines can) they all have very high safety indices. Just make sure you know what you have and don't go crazy with doses.


Active Member
Forensic scientist Amy Granlund identified that the psychedelic substance was indeed “25i-NBMOe,” otherwise known as 2C-I.
A quick look at the Wikipedia pages for 25i-NBMOe and 2C-I puts this lie to rest. How can they get such basic information dead wrong? They are different chemicals entirely. A dose of 2C-I is in the tens of milligrams, a dose of 25i-NBMOe is measured in micrograms. Now people are going to think they can eat tens of milligrams of 25i-NBMOe because it's the "same thing" as 2C-I and we will see more deaths.