First Aeroponic and Guerilla Grow


Sup guys this is my first time posting, jest been reading threads for the past few months. I have a year of experience with growing cannabis but this will be my first "professional" type grow.

So its spring time and im getting ready to grow :leaf:
I plan on germing/cloning/vedging all my plants indoors and flowering my short strains indoors in a aeroponic S.O.G style and all my tall strains outdoors in a guerilla grow style in a nearby woods. Iv been watching grow DVDs like Ultimate Grow Guide, Sea Of Green, Ready-Set-Grow, SeeMore Buds, and Never Get Busted:clap: so i have the basics down.:blsmoke:

I ordered seeds from Single Seed Centre, most are from Green House Seed Co.
I ordered 1 of each ALL FEM:White Widow, White Rhino, Kalashnikova, Moby Dick, Super Bud, and Super Lemon Haze, and they give you two free seeds Big Bang Auto and Exdos Cheese. I also ordered 3 Nirvana Northern Lights reg seeds for a friend.

Later this week im going to go down to the nearest hydroponic store and get equipment for areoponic system. This is my first time using FEM seeds, cloning, hydroponics, and rockwool. Im investing alot of money into this project but when im done i hope to harvest a few pounds if im lucky. :-)
Plez comment and il be posting pics all summer and updating on my grows:peace:


Jest bought some
  • rockwool starter cubes
  • ph tester kit
  • areoponic system (net pot, pump, sprayers)
  • GH hydroponic nutrients
  • heat pad
  • bug spray
  • clone gel
  • timers
now i got to wait for seeds to come in and il set everything up


Sorry its been a wile, last week i saw an idea online on how to turn a computer into a grow box and i decided to make one for seedlings and cloning, looks creative.:idea: I spent days ripping out parts from a old desktop, installing fans, and googling how to make one of these. Im going to set up lights and mylar in my veg box today and also germinate my seeds. Im using rockwool starter cubes at 5.5 ph in a plastic tray with lid on a heating mat for germing. They should sprout on the weekend and by then il have my veg box ready and il move seedlings to a DWC tray under 3 CFL with a little Olivia's cloning solution added to promote root growth. I got the idea from The Sea of Green Vol 3 movie.
One of my relatives borrowed my camera for vacation so il need to find a new one to take all these pics:-D


I ditched germing in roockwool idea and now im using a wet wash cloth, im still using a heat pad and its going great. I have the wet wash cloth inside a closed tuple ware container laying on the heat mat, and on a metal rack to let heat escape. I took the temp of the rag and it measured 90F. Within a few hours of germing the first seed cracked, today 3 more seeds cracked and as soon as the tap root gets a inch long in transplant in to rockwool.
Hopefully i get a 100% germ rate with this method.


I have 6 seedlings in rockwool starter cubes in a DWC system under 1 20w daylight cfl. Very light nutrients with General Hydroponic's Flora system. Roots growing very fast, already showing in the bottom of the rockwool. Water in the DWC evaporates really fast, going to add a dropper to slowly add water.


I added one more cfl, seedling are one week old. Cant wait for vegetative growth, i want to see my babies rapid leaf growth but im still lovin the root development. This is my firt hydroponic and i love it, way much faster than soil.


Transplanted 2 seedlings into cups of miracle grow seedling mix. Seedlings in DWC or starting to outgrow rockwool starter cubes, a few more days until rapid vegetative growth.