First Aeroponic Build. A bit noisier than I thought. How quiet are yours?


Hello all. First post here on the forums!

Just had a quick question. Just built my first aero unit and all I can hear is droplets hitting the water. Is there somthing you guys use inside the unit to quite down these noises or is it something you just got to live with. I might consider a more fine sprayer? what have you guys done? I have a 300 GPM pump and that doesnt make any noise at all. its just the dang droplets falling back down. When the door is closed I can still hear it. Hahaha!

If all aeros are like this then I will gladly live with it. however if it can be quited down then I would love it even more.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Pictures please! Is your pump and roots/sprayers in same container? Mine are silent except for the initial spray. Water drains from the root box then falls into a bucket reservoir.


My cloner makes the least amount of noise because it is self contained in one tote. There is an initial burst of course at 396 gph. The veg and flower units all make the waterfall noise. Kinda peaceful I think. Because they drain to the reservoir without any hoses.


Me? Kinda sorta. Veg unit is two totes (14 sites) that drain into the same res. I have a valve between them and a union going to the pump. Setup to use one unit or both. Otherwise yeah. No framework to support the buds. With enough wind and the branch density i don't have a reason to support my buds. Hey Nester, do those strong boxes seal up well? Was thinking about using one in dwc for 2 moms. Then I don't have to worry about roots in the pump or the height issue of two reservoirs stacked.
Just built my first aero unit and all I can hear is droplets hitting the water. Is there somthing you guys use inside the unit to quite down these noises or is it something you just got to live with. I might consider a more fine sprayer? what have you guys done? I have a 300 GPM pump and that doesnt make any noise at all. its just the dang droplets falling back down.
1) If you hear drops of water hitting water then that most likely means that your drain is not big enough.

2) How long is your feeding cycle (on/off ) and also how deep is your root tray?

My aero setup is pretty quiet. Its just the a/c that makes all the noise.


Pictures please! Is your pump and roots/sprayers in same container? Mine are silent except for the initial spray. Water drains from the root box then falls into a bucket reservoir.
[FONT=&quot]Yes. my pump and sprayers are in the same container. Never really thought i needed to separate them. Should I?[/FONT]

My cloner makes the least amount of noise because it is self contained in one tote. There is an initial burst of course at 396 gph. The veg and flower units all make the waterfall noise. Kinda peaceful I think. Because they drain to the reservoir without any hoses.
[FONT=&quot]Very true. The waterfall is peacefull. I could live with it. But im just afraid of nosey people wondering why theres a waterfall in my room. [/FONT]

Do you have the StinkBud setup?
[FONT=&quot]Not quite Sure. Maybe you can tell me by the pics. [/FONT]

1) If you hear drops of water hitting water then that most likely means that your drain is not big enough.

2) How long is your feeding cycle (on/off ) and also how deep is your root tray?

My aero setup is pretty quiet. Its just the a/c that makes all the noise.
[FONT=&quot]Can you please explain to me about the drain not being big enough. This is a very basic aero unit. I built it for about 70 bucks worth of materials. not sure i incorporated a "drain" like you stated.

My cycles right now are how ever long i can afford to leave it on without friends asking why it sounds like a rainstorm in my closet. haha.

Thank you all for your great replies. Maybe its just the fact that I haven’t established roots yet so theres nothing for the water to slide back down siliently on.



Active Member
The roots will quiet the noise up, I dont have standing water in the root container so I dont have noise.
OK, my bad. I thought you were using a system with a reservoir. The system that you have looks like an interesting combination between DWC and aero. It will serve you well if your power ever goes out, the roots will still be hanging in the nutrient solution. If you ever have the option though, I would suggest going with a full fledged aero system with a rez because the results will be better and it will be easier to maintain the nute solution. Just my 2 cents


OK, my bad. I thought you were using a system with a reservoir. The system that you have looks like an interesting combination between DWC and aero. It will serve you well if your power ever goes out, the roots will still be hanging in the nutrient solution. If you ever have the option though, I would suggest going with a full fledged aero system with a rez because the results will be better and it will be easier to maintain the nute solution. Just my 2 cents
Thanks. Ill look into it. as for now. Ill prolly just be inventive i guess. stretch some cheese cloth across the box under the sprayers or something. any ideas? When I upgrade, ill definitly go with a res.
One thing that you could do would be to insulate your tub with some kind of material. You could use foam or fiberglass insulation. This would deaden the sound depending on how much insulation is used. It would also help keep your water temperature down.
Looks like a nice setup. I've been working on building one myself, but my anal tendencies have slowed the process. How is your growing going with it? Also, can you include your specs on tube diameter and choice of nozzles? Sorry for all of the questions, but I like to know what everyone is working with. Great tote too! Where did that come from?? Happy growing!