first atempt at a journal 5 lr#2 beans outside and inside grow


Well-Known Member
100_3326.jpg100_3327.jpg100_3328.jpg100_3329.jpg100_3330.jpg100_3331.jpgi am going to attempt growing lr#2 outside with short times under clfs in evenings to lengthen light hours ---so far i put 3 seed directly into small container on sept.15th. 16th i placed 2 seed between wet papertowel.sprouted in 10 hrs--.17th put 2 sprouted seed in soil promix---1 plant is up today---others are under clfs pics !sept.18-----2 plants are up out of first 3 i planted in soil --2 plants moved outside ---3 still not up yet --thats my bad ass watch dog radar---my little tool cabinet makes a great seed starter


Well-Known Member
100_3429.jpgheres a new couple pics---they are growing finally100_3430.jpg1 is under lights --1 is in natural sunlight.the one i put outside streached at first so i toped it.the one under lights is very compact


Well-Known Member
well 1 is a male---hes sitting beside the other plant.its funny,the male is 3 inches tall---the other is 12 inches and 5 sets of leaves.hoping this time to get me a stash of lowryder seed.they are in 1 1/2 gallon pots under 10 cfls with a fan blowing lightly from male to female side.only got this chance to get as many seed as i can.


Active Member
I thought the same thing on my last grow until i realized my plants got pissed on by one of the 3 males I thought I had caught in time. I ended up with over 150 seeds total from 3 different plants. The smoke was good but i had a lot of seeds in it and I think i reap a lot less bec of it. :eyesmoke: